Treating Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: What’s is Difference Between Cialis and Flomax?
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is one of the most frequently-met diseases of men of elderly and senile age (around 80% of men by the age of 80 years suffer from this disease) and is characterized by anatomic presence of benign fibro-epithelium tissue located in circumference of proximal part of urinary tract. BPH is diagnosed only in case of combination of enlargement of prostatic gland with symptoms of bladder disturbances. The causes of benign prostatic hyperplasia are understudied. Nevertheless, many research studies in this area have confirmed that the idea of hormonal alteration of organism starting from 45-55 years of age and acquiring the name of “male menopause” is a key factor.
How Does Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Declare Itself?
Clinically benign prostatic hyperplasia may be evident by means of various symptoms. At terminal stage of BPH, the risk of acute retention of urine occurrence suddenly grows.
Bladder disturbance is characterized by the following symptoms:
- Weakening of urine stream;
- Urinary stuttering;
- Difficult urination;
- Feeling of incomplete emptying of urinary bladder;
- Necessity to make an effort before starting urination;
- Urinary retention;
- Frequent day-time and night-tie urinating;
- Impossibility to retain urine in case of micturate urge.
It should be borne in mind that these symptoms are not strictly specific for benign prostatic hyperplasia and may occur in case of prostate carcinoma, prostatitis, neurogenic urination disorders, cystitis, urinary bladder tumor, and many other diseases. BPH treatment requires correct surveillance procedure and diagnosis establishing.
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Treatment
Possible variants of BPH treatment are:
- drug therapy;
- case monitoring;
- surgery.
On the assumption of modern representation, hyperplasia treatment by means of medications should be prescribed in the following cases:
- for the patients with initial occurrence of urination disturbance without involvement of upper urinary tract and complications;
- for the patients with relative and absolute counter-indications to surgery;
- for the patients who have refused operation or delayed it for various reasons.
According to statistics, the third category of patients makes 60-70% of the overall quantity of those who sought medical attendance due to bladder disturbances.
Case monitoring for the patients with mild symptomatology (quantity of life is not seriously affected) implies control of blood and urinary tests, PSA, ultrasound and urofluometry findings every 6-12 months.
Operative treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia is indicative to patients with highly pronounced symptomatology, with involvement of upper urinary tract and to those who have counter-indications to drug therapy.
Modern strategy of BPH treatment is based on effectiveness comparison with possible complications of this or that method. Being the most efficient method, surgery has the highest percent of complications. The medications of herbal origin do not cause side-effects, but their efficiency is very low as well. The sensible middle in regards to effective remedy for BPH treatment and risk of side-effects development is represented by the group of alpha blockers. On the top of these medicines intake, smooth muscles of neck of urinary bladder get relaxed causing lumen increase of urinary tract. On the other hand, impact on smooth muscles of blood vessel cells results in their vasolidation and blood supply of pelvic organs improvement, in particular of urinary bladder. Level increase of metabolic process in urinary bladder explains improvement of its contraction capacity and eliminates the majority of symptoms of urination disorder. The treatment proves to be effective among 85% of patients.
Medications for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Treatment
There are two main classes of drugs for benign prostatic hyperplasia treatment:
Steroid-5-alpha-reductase Finasteride (proscar) and avodart block the transformation of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (male hormone) which stimulates the growth of cells of prostatic gland. These medications are useful for men with considerably enlarged prostate. In addition to symptoms alleviation, they increase urine production and may decrease the size of prostatic gland. Anyway, patients will possibly have to take these drugs within the course of 6-12 months in order to achieve results.
- Alpha blockers. Alpha-adrenergic blocking agents are usually named alpha blockers which relax smooth muscle cells of prostatic gland and relieve the process of urination. They improve the symptoms fast: as a rule, within several days. Since these medicines are of short action, symptoms will return after a patient ceases taking them. Alpha blockers do not decrease the size of prostatic gland. Alpha blockers may be selective and non-selective.
- Terazosin (Hytrin) and doxazosin (Cardura) are non-selective alpha blockers used for BPH treatment. They relax all unstriated muscles in body which surround blood vessels. Thus, they may decrease blood pressure and cause side-effect, such as vertigo and fainting.
- Tamsulosin (Flomax), alfuzosin (Uroxatrol) and silodosin (Rapaflo) are selective alpha blockers and are applied for BPH therapy. They influence the smooth muscle cells of prostatic gland more purposefully, but they are able to impact other boby areas, such as eyes. These drugs have fewer side-effects than non-selective alpha blockers, and are prescribed much oftener.
- Other drugs.
- Anticholinergic agents that are also called antimuscarinic, such as tolterodine (Detrol) may be useful for some patients. In order to treat BPH, they may be prescribed for separate use or in combination with alpha blockers.
- Tadalafil (Cialis) is approved for BPH therapy either for this disease, or in presence of erectile dysfunction. Tadalafil should not be used in combination with alpha blockers without thorough examination and monitoring of decreased arterial blood pressure. Treatment of ED with tadalafil and other PDE5 inhibitors cannot be co-administered with nitrate-containing drugs.
Difference of Cialis and Flomax in Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Treatment
Notwithstanding the fact that all previous research studies confirmed good results of tadalafil (Cialis) action in therapy of lower urinary tract symptoms (main symptom of benign prostatic hyperplasia), it is worth comparing its effect with alpha blocker, Tamsulosin (Flomax).
In the latest research study the patients were divided into three groups: the first group took placebo, the second one – tadalafil, and the third one – tamsulosin. Then the results of 12-week trial were collated. Cialis has shown the same result as the one of Flomax. What is more important: the group of patients taking tamsulosin didn’t have any changes in regards to erectile dysfunction. The improvement was marked in the group where patients took tadalafil (5mg).
It should be mentioned that maximal urine stream rate is changed. Tamsulosin change made 2.2 ml/s, whereas the usage of tadalafil in this trial resulted in maximal urine stream rate change by 2.4 ml/s. Thus, both medicines proved to be similarly efficient lower urinary tract symptoms therapy. They both lead to increase of Qmax, but tadalafil has a big advantage – improvement of erectile function. As for side-effects, tadalafil has proved to be much safer than tamsulosin.