Generic Viagra Anthology: The Fullest Medical Review and The Expert Help Online
Viagra(Sildenafil Citrate): Drug Info, General Questions About Generic Viagra, Medical Uses: Recreational and Off-Label Indications, Side Effects and Allergic Reactions, Supplement and Drug Interaction, Contraindications and Precautions, Oral Administration, Dosage Guidelines, Overdose and Missing Dose, FAQs and Expert Help, Forms and Distinctive Features and Unbiased Customer’s Feedback
Viagra General Questions

What is Viagra?
Viagra, or a blue pill, is a prescription medication that is widely used for erectile dysfunction treatment in males of different age. The medication is effective for the blood flow increase in the penile area. The sufficient blood flow helps achieve and sustain the erection during sexual stimulation. Sildenafil is drug’s active ingredient. Its action method involves not only techniques that are used by scientists, but also the human body.
Viagra pills were conceived for angina and high blood pressure treatment. However, most clinical results were impressive: they showed increased erection in tested males. This is how Viagra was approved for ED treatment. As for today, more than 45,000,000 males have taken Viagra within the scope of researches, and nearly 82% of them succeeded in impotence treatment.
What is Sildenafil Citrate?
Sildenafil Citrate is medication for pulmonary arterial hypertension and erectile dysfunction treatment. Today it is sold under a brand name – Viagra. The active ingredient is effective only in males, while its effectiveness for females hasn’t been completely studied yet. Sildenafil acts inhibiting PDE 5 or cGMP specific phosphodiesterase type. It’s an enzyme that adds to cGMP degradation and a sufficient blood flow to male’s penis.
Since 1998, it has been regarded as the commonest treatment option for erectile dysfunction in men, regardless of the ED trigger and patient’s age. Today it has two competitors: Vardenafil and Tadalafil OR Levitra and Cialis respectively.
Read more to get the detailed info about Viagra – how this pill affects ED treatment and the major questions you are interested in – in this article
Viagra and analogs.
Sildenafil Citrate, along with some other PDE 5 inhibitors (get to know more) is found in some herbal products that are referred as aphrodisiacs. Being ‘purely herbal’ they haven’t undergone any serious testing and researches. Today numerous products are banned by the FDA: they change the names, but not the chemical compound.
Viagra Synthesizing

History and Origins
It was a long way until pharmacists have invented drug for impotence treatment in 1996. The main chemical element of brand and generic Viagra – Sildenafil – was initially synthesized by the English chemists (continue reading about Viagra’s Synthesizing Process). Neither of them was going to create a magic pill for males. The group was working on studying medications for angina pectoris and high blood pressure.
The very first researches proved that the active ingredient had a great effect on penile erection rather than angina. This is how the ED medication appeared. The new revolutionary medication was patented in 1996, but approved by the FDA only two years later in 1998. Viagra has become the very first approved oral medication for impotence treatment in males in the USA. In ten years the annual sales of blue pills peaked at US $ 1,9 million.
Since that time there have appeared other popular meds that boast amazing effects, yet still Viagra remains the most widely prescribed drug that matches most ED cases, both common and severe.
How Viagra Differs from Others?
Today’s market offers other drugs for ED treatment. Cialis, Levitra and Kamagra take the 2nd, 3rd and 4th places respectively. Viagra remains the most popular and reliable drug, though others cause fewer side effects and work for longer periods.
Viagra vs. Cialis
Cialis is chosen for a single reason only: it has much longer action duration than a blue pill. The latest researches showed that it remains in the body for 36 hours, and that’s why it’s called a weekend pill. On the one hand it offers more benefits as a man has no need to start planning when to take the dosage. If there’s any unexpected sexual activity during the 36-hour period, he’s always ready. However, the promised 36- hour effect is not always THAT durable. In some cases med’s active ingredient remains in the body for 10-12 hours only. Drug’s unreliability is what makes it drag behind Viagra in the top list.
Both Cialis and Viagra have a pretty high success rate. Medications work in the same way. They do help the greater part of men achieve and sustain erections in any age. Speaking of reliable clinical trials, a blue pill improves erection in 82% of males, while Cialis is effective in 81% of cases. As it’s seen, there’s no significant difference, yet anyone can become that 1%.
Read more about Cialis / Generic Cialis:
Viagra vs. Levitra
Numerous health conditions can cause erectile dysfunction in males. The commonest ones are:
- circulatory conditions;
- urological conditions;
- neurological conditions;
- diabetes.
If a man has any of these health issues and ED as their result, both Viagra and Levitra prove their efficacy in the treatment process. Drugs treat different physical limitations that can add to the reduction of blood flow to the penile area. When the blood flow increases, an erection occurs despite of health conditions. Sexual stimulation is what needed after taking a pill: it releases nitric oxide and activates the enzyme that eventually leads to cGMP production. Both medications work inhibiting the PDE 5 enzyme presence and allow cGMP accumulate in quantities that are enough for a long lasting effect.
So, what’s the difference? Though Levitra is well-tolerated by all patients, it has fewer side effects in diabetics and patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension.
Find more about Levitra / Generic Levitra here:
Viagra vs. Kamagra
The most obvious benefit of Kamagra is its price. The fact it is cheaper than most other impotence medications prepossesses men all over the world. Kamagra and Viagra have more similarities than Viagra and Cialis or Viagra and Levitra. In fact, they say that Kamagra contains the same active ingredients that Viagra does – Sildenafil Citrate and others. Nevertheless, its effects are more durable and adverse reactions are milder.
Most ED sufferers start with Viagra and then turn to Kamagra as a more affordable medication with the same results. One can hardly blame them for doing that. However, while Viagra is available in local stores and online, Kamagra isn’t sold in local pharmacies and is usually ordered from online shops and drugstores. Today you can look through Kamagra options on My Canadian Pharmacy website.
Read also about Kamagra / Generic Kamagra:
Full article check here:
Viagra for Men and Women
Female Viagra (Viagra for Women) vs. Male Viagra (Generic Viagra)
Brand Viagra, or a blue pill, hasn’t been approved by the FDA for sexual dysfunction treatment in women. The notion of Female Viagra has a quite different meaning: it is the medication that treats dysfunction in females and has a little to do with original Viagra. In fact, the only common thing is the name. Why? Dysfunctions in men and women are different in nature. While most males’ problems occur due to physiology, those of females have much to do with psychology and the mental sphere in general.
Here are some main differences between male and female Viagra:
- color: in case of female sexual dysfunction treatment, the pill is pink, not blue. Though male impotence medications are of various colors, those for women are always pink. The choice of color is obvious: pink has always been associated with girls and women;
- targets: they are always different. These two medication types treat different forms of sexual dysfunction. While a blue pill is designed to work on a physical level only, increasing the blood flow to the penile area and helping men get and maintain erection, pink pills address the problem of lack of sexual desire. When women have symptoms of low libido and lack of sexual desire, pink pills affect the mental side of the problem;
- side effects: every male knows what side effects are to be expected after Viagra intake. Being well-informed helps him prevent side effects. An average patient experiences indigestion, headaches, nasal congestion, nausea, and tenderness or muscle pain. Loss of hearing or vision (temporary) is the serious adverse reaction. Speaking of those after taking female Viagra, they are extremely rare. A woman can experience occasional fainting, drowsiness and blood pressure decline, YET only in cases of alcohol consumption;
- daily intake: male Viagra is taken when it is needed, usually 30-60 minutes before sexual intercourse. A pink pill is consumed on a daily basis to develop optimal results.
Brand vs Generic Viagra
Generic Viagra
Generic Viagra is as effective as its brand counterpart. The only possible difference is the sum of money spent on commercial and researches. Of course, there are dangerous generic pills – the ones that aren’t approved. The generic medication came into the market since 2012, as brand Viagra had its patent only until 2012. It has the same active ingredient, but differs in color (secondary chemicals are responsible for color and taste, and, according to the law, only basic ingredients are to be identical, while secondary ones must be quite different) and the shape.
There’s a wrong belief that generic pills are of low quality: they promise the same results as well as side effects. According to the latest trials, patients, who turned to generics after taking brand Viagra, report the same action method and result duration. Continue reading…
Today generics are available online. My Canadian Pharmacy is one of the services that offer them daily. However, it’s in the list of those few reliable FDA approved generic pills providers.
Viagra Medical Uses

Viagra for sexual dysfunction
It’s the first and foremost use of Viagra. Today it treats erectile dysfunction in males all around the globe. The primary indication of Viagra’s main ingredient – Sildenafil Citrate – is impotence treatment in males. Those, who aren’t able to achieve and sustain erection to complete intercourse, take it before sex. Today Viagra is regarded as the basis of ED standard treatment and can be accompanied by other treatment options, yet only natural and not chemical ones.
Viagra for altitude sickness
When there are risks for experiencing high altitude pulmonary edema, Viagra pills are able to increase them. NB: it’s still unclear whether a blue pill does or does not affect the condition rate.
Viagra for pulmonary hypertension
Viagra pills have been initially created for pulmonary arterial hypertension treatment. During multiple researches and trials they proved their efficacy for impotence treatment rather than hypertension. However, the fact remains – as long as Viagra has no risks of serious side effects or death, it may be prescribed for hypertension sufferers, though cases are rare these days.
Viagra for antidepressant-associated ED
If erectile dysfunction in a patient is triggered by the intake of antidepressants on a regular basis, he may be prescribed Sildenafil Citrate for condition improvement. The matter is that some antidepressants may lead to sexual dysfunction due to a special chemical compound. But there’s still no direct evidence of this fact.
Read the full article on this topic here:
Viagra Non-Medical Uses
Viagra for sports
As Sildenafil Citrate dilates the arteries, professional sportsmen believe that it also opens their blood vessels, allowing the sufficient blood flow get to the muscles and enhance their results. The medication is used by some athletes, yet positive effects on their performance haven’t been proven yet.
Viagra for recreational use
Though Viagra or Sildenafil Citrate is commonly used for erectile dysfunction treatment in males, many sufferers and healthy men believe that this medication is able to improve sexual performance, increase penis size and increase libido. Unfortunately, no one is able to confirm or deny the statement: recreational use researches aren’t as multiple as erectile dysfunction ones. A 25-mg pills show no changes in erectile quality, yet they can add to the post-ejaculatory refractory time reduction.
Those, who sell medication illegally, talk much about the recreational use of pills. Yet these talks are cheap. All they are aiming at is to achieve a high level of sales and a better income. In fact, they rarely offer Viagra. Instead of it they sell stimulants and herbal supplements. Mixing various potentially dangerous ingredients they make men suffer from dangerous health complications rather than benefits.
Viagra for jet lag research
Sildenafil may be effective for jet lag recovery. However, there’s a huge BUT. The number of trials is limited. The recent ones where held not in the USA, but in Argentina. And hamsters were the only participants. Viagra did show results and proved efficacy when added to the jet lag recovery treatment course, yet not in people.
Viagra Action Method and Effect Duration

Mechanism of action
Viagra pills are taken 30-60 minutes prior to sexual intercourse. Their active ingredient works dilating arteries and allowing more blood penetrate the penile area. As the limited blood flow is the main reason why erection is not achieved or sustained, blue pills help evade obstacles. When the blood flow is sufficient and blood gets to the penis faster, it leads to smooth muscle relaxation and erection, of course.
Being a very strong PDE 5 inhibitor, Sildenafil results in stronger and better erections without severe side effects. There are other medications that work the same way. These are Levitra and Cialis. However, there are other differences between these medications.
Presence in fluids
Sildenafil can be measured in serum, blood and plasma in order to:
- estimate the pharmacokinetic status in sufferers, who take the medication to treat their erectile dysfunction;
- help decide on doses and prevent cases of overdose;
- confirm the diagnosis in poisoning sufferers.
Sexual stimulation after taking a pill
Sildenafil is taken in 30-60 minutes before sexual intercourse to help a man get and sustain erection in bed. However, it’s important to know that a pill won’t have any effect without proper sexual stimulation. All other PDE 5 inhibitors won’t work without sexual stimulation either as they are operated by the identical mechanism.
Duration of results
It is generally said that Viagra pills work for 4-5 hours after administration. Yet still, duration of possible results depends on six main factors:
- age;
- dosage;
- alcohol;
- diet;
- other drugs;
- overall health.
Usually older men report that the results they have last longer than 4-5 hours only. It can be easily explained by the fact that the metabolic system of a 60-65 year old man is slower than that of a younger sufferer. So, the older a man is, the longer Viagra will remain in the body. The dosage is important as well. There are 25, 50 and 100-mg pills. They all are effective, yet there is a plain rule: the higher the dose is, the more long-lasting the results are. It doesn’t mean you are to take 100 mg pills for better effectiveness. Every male is prescribed the dose that suits him best. However, the possibility of dose increase can be discussed with a doctor.
If a man drinks alcohol before/after Viagra consumption, the blood flow decreases and it is harder for him to achieve and maintain erection. Of course, this fact doesn’t mean that you aren’t allowed to drink at all: a glass of wine or beer is just fine, but drinking more than two glasses will decrease all positive results and increase the negative ones.
What about one’s diet? You are to mind what you eat: a high fat meal just before taking a blue pill delays the active ingredients from working, because the body works on digesting the food consumed. Certain drugs can affect the work of impotence pills too. This is why the combination of Viagra with other pills should be discussed with a professional.
And finally it’s your overall health that matters a lot. If you have heart, liver or kidney problems, Sildenafil not just works slower but leads to adverse reactions and health complications that require medical help.
Viagra Side Effects and Their Prevention

Side effects
All Sildenafil side effects can be categorized into two groups: common and rare. First ones are experienced practically by every Viagra user, others occur in rare situations, when pills are combined with other medications or are taken with alcohol.
The list of common side effects after Viagra administration includes:
- headache;
- impaired vision;
- blurred vision;
- photophobia;
- nasal congestion;
- indigestion;
- diarrhea;
- cyanopsia (seeing everything tinted blue);
- loss of peripheral vision.
What about rare conditions? Today these are:
- prolonged erections;
- heart attack;
- stroke;
- low blood pressure;
- sudden hearing loss;
- intraocular pressure;
- ventricular arrhythmias stroke.
As both common and rare adverse reactions are multiple and can affect one’s health greatly, it’s highly recommended to seek immediate medical assistance to ensure their mildness or prevent them for good.
Side effects prevention
In most cases it is really too hard to prevent adverse reactions after Viagra administration. Even correct dosage can trigger headaches and diarrhea in some men. To eliminate one’s chances for risks it’s better to have a professional consultation as to the exact dose to be consumed and the right steps to be taken in case of annoying body reactions.
The headaches experienced by Viagra should be treated with over-the-counter pain relievers. The commonest one is aspirin. When taking aspirin drink really much water as the medication can trigger mild dehydration. In case of frequent severe headaches, reduce Viagra dosage. Heartburn and upset stomach are treated by Pepto-Bismol or TUMS. For preventive therapy it’s better to take any of these drugs before taking a blue pill. In case face flushing becomes unbearable, apply a clean cool cloth to your warm skin and refuse from intercourse for some time.
All other symptoms are to be discussed with a physician as they require professional care and special medications.
Life threatening conditions
Can a blue pill lead to any life-threatening condition? Yes, it can. This applies to any medication that a person uses. Viagra can lead to stroke or heart attack in case a patient administers the dose that is higher than the one prescribed OR he combines a blue pill with other medications. It’s significant to monitor yourself, if there are the first signs of pills being not suitable.
Viagra Drug Interaction

Drug interactions
Viagra is one of the ED medications that must be used very carefully because of risks and adverse reactions that they can lead to. There are number of drugs that trigger health hazards, if taken with a blue pill. So, before applying for impotence drugs, please, learn more about the drugs interactions that Viagra has.
Viagra and alpha blockers: along with blood pressure drugs, alpha blockers are prescribed to patients, who suffer from hypertension or BPH. In case a sufferer is on any of these meds, he must be careful while taking Viagra. The combination of this kind will surely lead to blood pressure increase, dizziness, fainting, etc. The list of such alpha blockers includes: Terazosin, Doxazosin, Alfuzosin, Silodosin, Prazosin, Tamsulosin, Phentolamine, etc. The recommended dose of Viagra is 25 mg. It will minimize risks and allow enjoying sexual activity.
Viagra and nitrates: what are nitrates? These are meds that have nitroglycerine in their content. They are prescribed to patients with mild and severe heart conditions. Nitrates normally help prevent stroke. If one is on nitrate pills, he should better not use Viagra pills as there are high risks for heart attack and other severe complications. Popular nitrates are isosorbide dinitrate, nitroglycerin patches, nitroglycerin ointment, isosorbide mononitrate, nitroglycerin anal ointment, nitroglycerin tablets and capsules.
Viagra and CYP 3A4 inhibitors: even the highest Viagra dosage loses its efficacy when combined with CYP 3A4 inhibitors (liver enzymes). When a man experiences no result after Viagra administration, he takes another pill and that leads to Viagra overdose and pretty negative health consequences. It’s forbidden to combine Viagra and: Miconazole, Conivaptan, Ketoconazole, Erythromycin, Lopinavir, Imatinib, Fosamprenavir, Atazanavir, Voriconazole, Quinidine, Itraconazole, etc.
Viagra and Cimetidine: it’s recommended to avoid taking Cimetidine along with Viagra as this combination increases the amount of Sildenafil in patient’s blood. It’s possible to replace Cimetidine with an alternative drug type, if you can’t refuse from a blue pill.
Viagra and other PDE 5 inhibitors: if you choose a PDE 5 inhibitor to treat ED, it can’t be combined with any other drug of the same category. So, Viagra shouldn’t be combined with Levitra, Stendra, Staxyn, Cialis, Kamagra, Adcirca or Revatio. They all act in the same way and when taken together they lead to overdose and severe side reactions.
Viagra Contraindications

Before you take Sildenafil, tell your doctor, if you are allergic to any medications. Viagra may contain ingredients that trigger allergies in men of different age. Let your doctor learn your medical history carefully. Special attention must be paid to cases of heart attack, chest pain, heart failure, irregular heartbeat, stroke, liver and kidney diseases, low and high blood pressure, dehydration, prolonged erections, eye problems, penis conditions, etc. Today Viagra contraindications include:
- low blood pressure;
- decreased liver function;
- recent heart attack;
- recent stroke;
- renal function impairment;
- genetic disorders;
- cardiovascular risk factors;
- when taking nitrates, organic nitrates and nitric oxide donors.
As Viagra can cause vision problems and make a man feel dizzy, it’s suggested not to drive, do any activity which requires alertness and clear vision, use heavy machinery. Reduce the intake of alcohol while taking a blue pill. Women aren’t allowed to take Viagra for males.
Viagra Food, Drink (Alcoholic and Non-Alcoholic) Interaction

Food interaction
Viagra pills can be taken either with or without food. It has been proven that the medication ensures identical effects when taken on an empty or full stomach. However, if it is taken with high-fat products, its active ingredients will need much more time to provide effects.
Doctors suggest avoiding taking grapefruit or grapefruit juice while on Sildenafil. Why? The matter is that grapefruit products hinder Sildenafil breakdown and lead to its absorption in larger quantities. So, quantity of Sildenafil reaches really high levels. The use of grapefruit products along with Viagra must be discussed with a doctor.
Drink interaction
As for today there’s hardly a clear indication that alcohol-associated risks get worse when one takes Viagra. Recently they have published study results that found no great adverse reaction between red wine and Viagra. However, the study doesn’t touch upon other alcoholic drinks. Most doctors insist on drinking prudently, while taking a blue pill. The major side effects that are experienced by men because of this combination include upset stomach, headaches and dizziness.
Foods that add to Viagra effects
Dieticians and physicians enumerate certain foods that can add to Viagra effects. Today these are:
garlic and Vitamin C: Vitamin C works increasing the production of nitric oxide in the body, while garlic includes nitrates and quercetin. Garlic drops high blood pressure in sufferers, eliminating possible pressure-related side effects and adding to results provided by a blue pill;
vegetables: it is believed that certain vegetables promote effects of an ED pill. Today these are carrots, beets, parsley, spinach, collard greens, iceberg lettuce, celery, radishes and aragula lettuce;
pumpkin seeds: such seeds are high in essential oils and zinc. They assist in health sperm production and reduce risks for testosterone deficiency. Containing vitamins B, C, D, E and K, niacin, calcium, phosphorous and potassium they add to the effects provided by Viagra;
fish: before taking Viagra choose cold water fish like sardines, salmon, mackerel and tuna. Being rich in zinc, they add to testosterone production and man’s great performance between the sheets.
Viagra Administration
Route of administration
Viagra is an oral medication that is taken by mouth for reducing erectile dysfunction results and treating the condition for next 4-5 hours which is the time enough for great performance in bed. If one takes a regular tablet, the average time to experience first results is 40 minutes (from 10 to 70 minutes depending on drinks and foods consumed, as well as on combination with other drugs and on patient’s medical history). If one takes a soft pill, the average time to experience first results is 25 minutes (from 15 to 40 minutes depending on drinks and foods consumed, as well as on combination with other drugs and on patient’s medical history).
Recently, there have appeared mouth spray Sildenafil medications that ensure a comparatively faster onset of action.
How often to take Viagra
The frequency of Viagra administration must be discussed with a healthcare provider. A specialist will be able to define your optimal routine, depending on your medical history, allergies (if any), any types of medications consumed on a regular basis. However, in most cases, it’s not recommended to consume Viagra pills more often than once per 24 hours, 30-60 minutes before the intercourse to ensure a 4-5-hour ability.
Instructions on consumption
- take a pill by mouth without/with food. In case its administration is combined with the intake of a high-fat meal, all results are postponed;
- consume it about 30-60 minutes before sexual activity. Though this is a prescribed standard routine, a blue pill can be taken from 4-5 hours and up to 30 minutes before intercourse. The way that suits you must be discussed with a physician;
- a pill (regardless of its dosage) will work only if there’s sexual stimulation. If there isn’t any, erection won’t occur just because you take the medication;
- unlike some ED pills, Viagra is taken only when needed and not on a daily basis. A daily intake can lead to severe complications.
What if Viagra doesn’t work?
There are rare cases when Sildenafil provides no effect and can’t cope with the ED issue in some males. If you have taken a blue pill, but got no results, address your physician and you’ll get the right dose adjustment. Don’t take another pill to ensure effects. This will lead to overdose and severe health complications. Viagra is effective in 4 of 5 men who take it. So, there’s a chance for you to achieve erections, but you’ll probably need more time.
Today 72% of patients achieve results from 25 mg pills, 80% – from 50 mg pills and 85% – from 100 mg pills. They all achieve hard erections for sex. Most users show great improvements in the ability both to achieve and sustain erections versus those patients, who take placebo.
Viagra Forms, Dosage, Overdose

Forms of medication (25,50,100 mg)
Viagra for effective erectile dysfunction treatment in males all over the world comes in three forms: 25 mg, 50 mg and 100 mg.
25 mg pills
These are blue, round and diamond-shaped tablets with two marked sides (25 mg – on the one side and Viagra or Pfizer – on the other one). What does the number 25 stand for? It means that the pill contains Sildenafil citrate equal to 25 mg. Besides that a 25 mg pill has non-medical ingredients like croscarmellose sodium, hypromellose, titanium dioxide, anhydrous dibasic calcium phosphate, microcrystalline cellulose, lactose, FD&C Blue No. 2 Aluminum Lake, triacetin and magnesium stearate.
50 mg pills
These are blue, round and diamond-shaped tablets with two marked sides (50 mg – on the one side and Viagra or Pfizer – on the other one). What does the number 50 stand for? It means that the pill contains Sildenafil citrate equal to 50 mg. Besides that a 50 mg pill has non-medical ingredients like croscarmellose sodium, hypromellose, titanium dioxide, anhydrous dibasic calcium phosphate, microcrystalline cellulose, lactose, FD&C Blue No. 2 Aluminum Lake, triacetin and magnesium stearate.
100 mg pills
These are blue, round and diamond-shaped tablets with two marked sides (100 mg – on the one side and Viagra or Pfizer – on the other one). What does the number 100 stand for? It means that the pill contains Sildenafil citrate equal to 100 mg. Besides that a 100 mg pill has non-medical ingredients like croscarmellose sodium, hypromellose, titanium dioxide, anhydrous dibasic calcium phosphate, microcrystalline cellulose, lactose, FD&C Blue No. 2 Aluminum Lake, triacetin and magnesium stearate.
Patients over 65 years are usually prescribed 25 mg pills. The same refers to those with liver or kidney impairment. Younger males and those with ED caused by trauma take 50 mg pills. 100 mg tablets are prescribed to sufferers with really severe impotence issues.
Males, who are on HIV medications like ritonavir, are prescribed 25 mg doses before intercourse. It’s their maximum dosage and its increase can lead to severe complication. Plus, such patients aren’t allowed to take another Viagra pill during next 48 hours.
While taking CYP 3A4 inhibitors (Nizoral, Sporanox, Staticin, Xolegel, Akne-mycin, Onmel or Extina), a man is allowed to start with 25 mg pills to prevent possible adverse reactions. If a man takes Sildenafil for PAH, his dose equals a 25 mg pill that is taken three times a day. The pills are taken about 4-6 hours apart.
Advisable dosage
Most patients are prescribed 50 mg pills that are taken 30-60 minutes before intercourse. A pill may be taken from four hours to 30 minutes before the activity. The initial dose can be increased by your doctor, depending on toleration and its effectiveness. Some doses increase to 100 mg, others decrease to 25 mg. Any of these doses is taken not more than once a day.
Viagra: Cases of Overdose and Missed Dose
Cases of overdose never occur, if the medication is prescribed by a doctor in a medical setting. When the case of overdose is suspected, a patient should call his healthcare provider, seek emergency medical attention or call to the Poison Control Center.
Some men find it hard to see differences between side effects and the overdose. Here are a few signs of overdose:
- nausea;
- loss of vision;
- loss of hearing;
- shortness of breath;
- irregular heartbeat;
- chest pain;
- dizziness;
- faintness.
Cases of overdose are rare, yet they do happen. As well as in case with any other drug, taking more Viagra than prescribed or without prescription is pretty dangerous. There was the case of severe overdose once that led to penis amputation: a 65 year old male took three Viagra pills to impress his partner. He experienced a week-long erection, inflammation in the penile area and gangrene.
When a 25 year old man took 5 pills of Viagra ‘just for a better effect’, he passed away before he was brought to the hospital.
Missed dose
Viagra is never taken on a definite schedule. A blue pill is consumed only when needed, so there’s no such notion as forgetting about the dose intake. Take pills as recommended.
Viagra Storage
Any form of Viagra is normally taken with certain instructions both on administration and storage. However, a man hardly mind the storage recommendations not knowing that even a small care can save his life and ensure better effects.
Viagra pills are to be stored as instructed. Here are some tips for careful pills storage:
- always keep the medication in a clean box. Moisture or dust that may surround the box responds to the medication and damages it greatly;
- optimal temperature for keeping Viagra for ED in males is 25-30C. In case the temperature is higher than 30C, the pills are in threat. A really extreme temperature impacts the effectiveness of medication, so no great results must be expected;
- warm places are unacceptable for Viagra storage. Tablets, capsules and softabs aren’t allowed to be kept in a kitchen or bathroom as these rooms’ temperatures vary greatly and have a negative impact on pills;
- exposure to dampness and heat has a negative influence too. Dampness and heat affect active ingredients badly;
- tightly fitted container is the best place for pills storage. Such container prevents possible response with any outdoor or indoor climate conditions and keeps the drugs safe;
- expired Viagra pills must be disposed. Never flush the pills. Dispose them with your doctor’s help. Keeping expired ED pills at home is dangerous. Taking them is even more dangerous;
- Viagra must be kept out of children’s reach;
- Viagra must be kept away from pets.
Viagra and Pregnancy or Lactation Period

Viagra and pregnancy
Is it safe to conceive, if a partner is on Viagra pills? Yes, it is! As for today there are no contraindications to conceiving, if a man is on Viagra pills. There have been conducted many tests that showed there wasn’t any negative effect on male’s sperm motility, structure and form even after a 100 mg pill. As long as the recommended dose is normally 50 mg, neither its decrease nor increase has negative impacts on sperm and conceiving.
However, it’s important to inform the doctor, if you plan to become pregnant or you are pregnant and your partner takes Viagra. Why? The thing is that all medications are categorized by the FDA depending on the safety of their use during pregnancy. There are five general categories – A, B, C, D, X. The categories help in classifying all risks to an unborn baby. Viagra pills fall into category B, which means that Sildenafil – Viagra main ingredient – has no negative impact during pregnancy.
Viagra and lactation
Viagra active ingredient Sildenafil and its metabolites are excreted in breast milk. Most drugs pass into human milk and Viagra is no exception. This is why a nursing should be very careful, if she administers Viagra for any purpose.
Viagra and Fertility

Viagra affects/doesn’t affect fertility
It is believed that Viagra doesn’t have any negative influence on:
- sperm count;
- sperm density;
- sperm motility;
- percentage of living sperm;
- percentage of abnormal sperm forms;
- ejaculate volume;
- sperm viscosity.
All the measures are within quite normal ranges. Viagra main ingredient quickly distributes into the semen. Sildenafil semen concentration is 18% of the total plasma concentration. The chemical is always well-tolerated.
Laboratory studies that were conducted in 2007 by the British scientists suggest that Viagra consumption may have a negative impact on male’s sperm function as well as male fertility. Specialists have already examined the exposure of sperm to Sildenafil and compared to the sperm that’s not exposed to it and noticed sustained enhancement of motility in progressively motile sperm and velocity.
Exposure to Sildenafil causes a premature acrosome reaction. What are acrosomes? There are structures that cover sperm’s head. They contain various enzymes that assist the sperm in penetrating the egg’s outer membrane.
Whom to Consult before Viagra Administration?
Family doctors, physicians, urologists, dieticians
Looking for erectile dysfunction treatment, a regular sufferer should address various specialists to find out the cause and decide on the cure, if there’s any. Today there are different types of doctors to go to and to speak to regarding impotence:
- sexual medicine specialist;
- dietician;
- general practitioner/family doctor;
- endocrinologist;
- cardiologist;
- urologist;
- genitourinary medicine specialist.
It’s suggested to start with a primary care physician as he always knows much about your medical history and current problems. He’s informed concerning additional factors that are short-circuiting the sexual performance or desire.
When erectile dysfunction occurred due to some physical causes, a sufferer should address an urologist as he specializes in male reproductive organs. In case the ED cause is a mental one, find help from a psychologist for therapies and consultations. Dieticians will help decide which products should be eliminated from your ration and which must be added to boost man’s health.
No matter what specialist is addressed, a patient should forget about his ego and embarrassment. He is to be frank and honest, if he wants his treatment course to be successful.
Viagra Saves Marriages

True or false?
People are hardly aware of the fact that more than 20% of all relationship problems are triggered by ED problems in males and sexual dysfunction in females. When a man is not capable of performing well in bed, it causes agony for him and disappointment for her. Not many couples are supportive when the issue occurs. Most partners start blaming each other. Some are pretty cruel.
If a couple finds patience and time to address specialists, both partners quickly find a perfect solution – Viagra or Sildenafil. Today you can find this medication at My Canadian Pharmacy too. Viagra does what most pills and supplements can’t ensure: it offers immediate treatment, yet not the cure. Does a magic blue pill save marriages? It surely does! It has already brought joy and understanding to many relationships.
What about the destructive impact? Some scientists ensure that it brings it too. How is that? Viagra can help with the physical side of the issue. However, if the problem has another cause, no blue pill will ever help. At times the pills give rise to all other problems.
Some doctors are more than sure that a magic blue pill strengthens the marital bond as well. Today Sildenafil transforms both the lives of ED suffers and their partners.