Priligy (Dapoxetine): How to use, Contraindications, Side Effects and Benefits Tips

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- Ejaculatory precocity
- What do we mean by precocious ejaculation?
- What is Priligy and its main component dapoxetine?
- How to use Priligy for lasting longer in bed
- Safe use of Priligy
- How to buy Priligy
Those who suffer from premature ejaculation experience rapid, often unsatisfactory, sexual relationships. The time within which the ejaculatory response manifests itself fluctuates between sixty seconds and two minutes.
Ejaculatory precocity
Premature ejaculation is a sexual dysfunction characterized by the inability to delay the ejaculatory point of no return, which makes the intimacy hasty and unpleasant. This is an absolutely treatable dysfunction, as is proven by the experience of Canadian Pharmacy technicians. The diagnostic aspect of premature ejaculation is really complex because of the modesty of the patient who suffers, as well as for that aspect of subjectivity that makes the clinical diagnosis difficult.
When we talk about a dysfunctional sexuality, a veil of embarrassment and silence embodies communication.
The man has a massive difficulty in accepting to have a sexological problem, and even more, to ask for help to cure his premature ejaculation. Statistical data shows a significant increase in male sexual dysfunctions that compromise the third phase of sexual response: the phase of orgasm and ejaculation.
Among these we have:
- delayed ejaculation
- anorgasmia
- anesthetic or painful ejaculation
- premature ejaculation
What do we mean by precocious ejaculation?
In sexology the IELT is analyzed, an objective parameter that refers to the number of thrusts before ejaculation, or, in simple words, for how long the penis remains in the vagina during coitus without an ejaculation taking place. Ejaculation that escapes without human control and will transforms sexual intercourse into a disastrous love affair.
The psycho-sexual history of many patients with premature ejaculation shows that these patients, in most cases, have already suffered from episodes of premature ejaculation, even if occasionally, in response to stress, depression or anxiety, or following taking small amounts of alcohol.
Premature ejaculation is often underestimated, let’s see how to prevent it and how to fight it.
The objective is to find a common language that goes beyond the dimension of subjectivity in order to carry out a scrupulous clinical diagnosis, an indispensable step for the future therapeutic protocol for the patient and for the couple. 1 – DSM III defined PE.: ejaculation occurs before the patient desires it. 2 – The DSM IV R shifts attention to time and poor control: “an ejaculation that persists and recurs even in the presence of a minimal sexual stimulus, previously, during and following penetration, and which occurs in advance compared to the desired moment”. Ejaculatory control is a very delicate subject to be treated. For example, novice boys complain of episodes of premature ejaculation, which could easily return – in the absence of organic or psychic causes – over time, thanks to the knowledge of their sexuality, the couple’s sexual experience and empathy.
Among young people, the causes of “bad sexual learning” – for example the first failed reports, perhaps consumed in cars and in a hurry – combine to move the column of the thermometer of ejaculatory functionality, from the control to the absence of control.
Primary PE, also called life long. This type of premature ejaculation occurs immediately. It does not regress, on the contrary, it worsens over time. Begin to keep the patient’s sexuality company from the first sexual relationship, regardless of the partner and the type of activity performed.
Sometimes it can also manifest itself in extra-coitus practices, like even self-eroticism. A variant is the premature ante portas ejaculation, ie outside the vaginal environment. The other variant is intra-portas premature ejaculation, when the penis comes into contact with the vagina, a highly symbolic and anxiogenic place.
Unlike primary PE, life long, secondary premature ejaculation does not appear since the first sexual intercourse, but later. There are various methods to understand if the patient really suffers from premature ejaculation, how to evaluate if there has been a change in the duration of the relationship, if there is a difficulty in the ejaculatory control, and if he feels anxiety and discomfort during the sexual intercourse. The causes are the most varied, all to be analyzed when diagnosing andro-sexual disorders Inflammations Infections Neurological diseases thyroid dysfunctions psychological relational / dyadic factors dysfunctional couples adaptation to a new partner, reaction to stress mood disorders personality disorders anxiety disorders styles of unhealthy life abuse of drugs, or alcohol bereavement erectile problems depression.
Sometimes premature ejaculation can be the consequence of an initial erection difficulty. The differential diagnosis is really essential to avoid losing precious time for treatment, and to avoid random attempts that contribute to chronic sexual dysfunction.
Situational premature ejaculation. This type of PE it occurs intermittently. In some situations or with some women, and not with others. When this problem creates discomfort for the patient or the couple, it should be treated
Premature-like premature ejaculation, or false premature ejaculation. Sufferers are unable to contract their ejaculatory reflexes and are unable to delay the “point of no ejaculatory return” according to their needs. Often, however, investigations such as a clinical interview and a careful psycho-sexual history, allow us to understand that these are subjective feelings of the patient, since in reality the ejaculatory times are normal, ie between 3 and 6 minutes, or even more.
These feelings often originate from the models of pornography, which give rise to expectations that are not in keeping with reality. The false PE, is typical of adolescents, who focus attention on sexual performance (duration and number of sexual relationships) separating it from the dimension of affectivity and relationship. False premature ejaculation can be prevented with adequate and preventive sex education.
Patients who experience it even once in their life remain tested, destabilized and with a “body memory” of dysfunction that will keep them company after intimacy. Apparently disjointed, these two male sexual dysfunctions are often “one can be the cause of the other and vice versa”.
The perpetuation of the experience of the PE, Amplified by the pernicious experience and dissatisfaction of women, constitute the prerequisite for the establishment and aggravation over time of sexual difficulties. The absence or the erective vulnerability, sometimes represents a “defensive and unconscious strategy” of the suffering man that, frightened by an extreme speed of the ejaculatory timing, unwittingly, prefers not to venture into a failed amorous act.
However, the opposite is also true: an erectile vulnerability that is not adequately treated, diagnosed and, above all, treated, can lead to episodes of premature ejaculation.
The patient does not perceive himself secure and present to his erection, he prefers to ejaculate prematurely, before incurring in the anxiogenic possibility of premature detumescence of the penis. An andro-sexuological differential diagnosis, which can best frame dysfunctions and understand etiology, becomes the first step to be taken.
What is Priligy and its main component dapoxetine?
The most appropriate therapeutic approach to truly solve premature ejaculation must be evaluated in the light of the results of a correct diagnostic evaluation, consisting of the psycho-sexual evaluation and the andrological examination.
Possible therapeutic protocols include psycho-sexual counseling psychotherapy couples therapy with sexual orientation oral pharmacological therapy in need or chronic surgical correction of previous problems treatment of causes in cases of secondary premature ejaculation (for example: treatment of erectile dysfunction).
Today, undoubtedly, the most modern and decisive approach is combined therapy: pharmacotherapy and sex therapy.
Priligy is the first oral drug developed for the problem of PE. Priligy contains dapoxetine hydrochloride as its principal active substance. Dapoxetine is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), and it is structurally similar to fluoxetine. From the point oview of its chemical characteristics, dapoxetine is the D-enantiomer of LY 243917 and is 3.5 times more potent as a serotonin reuptake inhibitor than L-enantiomer. Dapoxetine increases serotonin levels in the synaptic space through reuptake inhibition within the axonal terminal
How to use Priligy for lasting longer in bed
Pharmacokinetics of Priligy allow its use as needed. It does not require a window period to show its effectiveness and does not present the risk of developing withdrawal syndrome after withdrawal. Clinical studies have evaluated its effects on IELT and also on patient reported outcomes. It is well tolerated, has no negative effects on the sexual sphere and has no effects on anxiety and depression. 60 mg is more effective in the face of greater side effects.
Dapoxetine shows the fastest pharmacokinetic profile of all SSRIs, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor. After administration of a single oral dose of 30 or 60 mg dapoxetine is rapidly absorbed, reaching peak plasma concentration within 70-80 min (Tmax). Concentrations do not change after daily administrations for several consecutive days. Plasma concentrations of dapoxetine are not significantly altered by taking a high lipid meal. It should be taken about 1-3 hours before sexual activity. The importance of follow-up should be taken into account for best health outcomes.
Safe use of Priligy
To avoid the risk of syncope or orthostatic hypotension, inform patients of:
- Take Priligy with a full glass of water
- Do not take Priligy if you are dehydrated
- If you have the feeling of fainting, lie down immediately
- Do not get up quickly after sitting or lying down for a long time
- If you feel faint do not drive or use dangerous machinery
- Tell your doctor if you faint while taking the medicine
- To date the only oral drug approved for therapy in the need of EP (WHO code “other urologicals”) and should be considered as the first choice in the treatment of primary EP
How to buy Priligy
Priligy is available for sale online, but caution should be exercised when you order prescription pills on the Internet. You should always visit your doctor’s office before taking the medications that are classified as “legend drugs”, or at least receive a professional consultation online.
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