What Happens If A Man Takes Female Viagra?

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Sometimes customers ask us all sorts of unexpected questions. But My Canadian Pharmacy not the ones to shrug off any of them simply because they are not so common or appear as unlikely to us. Goes to show, you ask us, we deliver. So, what can a healthy male expect when taking a Female Viagra pill? Mind you, we did not slip in the word “healthy” by chance – safety comes first. Experiments, even hypothetical ones, are only healthy when they are done with a, well, healthy amount of common sense. Before you take any drug at all, make sure that you do not have any conditions that can act as a trigger for major problems with your wellbeing.
The cross points of male and female desire
The hormone that regulates desire is testosterone, both for men and women. Testosterone is produced by the testes in humans, and by the ovaries in women, and minimally, by the adrenal cortex of both.
Women generally have a lower rate of testosterone than men; does this imply a lower sexual appetite? Not necessarily; the female body is much more sensitive to testosterone than the male body, and therefore the difference is compensated.
The hormonal changes, during the menstrual cycle, significantly influence the intensity of female desire. In the days preceding ovulation, our body registers a peak of estrogen and our libido is at its maximum (except for those who take hormonal contraceptives). On the other hand, after giving birth, the body produces prolactin, an anti-desire hormone.
The psychological factors that influence sexual desire
Education, culture, social and religious taboos, legacies of past centuries, still exert an important moral pressure on women, who express their sexual desire less freely than men. The male desire corresponds to a drive, which comes from within, while that of the woman is more than anything caused, often by the desire and excitement of the other, by a favorable, relaxed but also a little more dangerous context.
In man, sexual desire makes its way during puberty, since the first experiences of masturbation.
Up to the age of 50 it is very developed, after which the decrease in testosterone, which causes a drop in libido, begins to diminish, thanks to the andropause.
In women, desire is born a little later, but increases with time and experience. Sexual maturity is around 35 years. When the woman enters menopause, the ovaries generate less testosterone and the rate of estrogen decreases. Despite the physical changes, desire does not necessarily fall due to psychological conditioning. At this age women have more time to think about themselves and the couple, and they allow themselves more moments dedicated to sexuality. This is why menopause is often the accomplice of a moment of rebirth of desire.
The right time for him and her
Why do most men want to have sex in the morning, just when women have less time? The rate of testosterone in men with the first light of day increases by 30%, which is why the libido increases considerably.
Women, on the other hand, need to be relaxed in order to be energized, rested and in principle have no thoughts. Not to mention the age: depending on the years you have, in fact, there is a favorite moment of the day to have sex. The most common propitious moment for women, however, is in the evening, once the children have gone to bed and the office problems forgotten.
Also from the point of view of the seasons, biorhythm greatly affects sexual desire. Women note that desire manifests itself more vigorously with the arrival of spring, while for men, awakening occurs later, towards the beginning of summer.
The difference between male and female orgasm
In man, orgasmic manifestations are more “glaring”, considering that orgasm coincides with ejaculation.
Instead, the woman can achieve four different types of orgasm:
- clitoral orgasm, easily accessible through oral or manual stimulation;
- orgasm of the G-spot, which is obtained by stimulating the anterior relative, one / two centimeters inside the vagina;
- fusion of orgasms, or the achievement of a clitoral orgasm and an orgasm of the G-spot at the same time;
- multiple orgasms, a situation of continuous excitement without moments of pause. Generally, in these cases, the orgasms come from the clitoris, but also to exert a certain pressure on the point G can be of great help.
Men and women not only see sex differently, but react to certain impulses differently. The foreplay, which is necessary for the woman to be stimulated and touch an excellent level of excitement before penetration, and ejaculation, considered an exception for women, can be included in this statement.
Furthermore, the culmination of pleasure changes from man to woman: in the first case it varies from 3 to 10 seconds, in case of ladies we talk about 30 seconds. The same goes for the simulation of orgasm, a problem that is very common especially among women.
Classical Viagra vs. Female Viagra: what’s the difference?
Let’s now look at the composition of the pill of Viagra for men and for women. Viagra for men as we know it is a drug based on sildenafil citrate that comes in the dosages of 25 mg, 50 mg or 100 mg; it has no additional components that have any pharmacodynamic value to them, only the so-called excipients – ingredients that are added into the composition of any drug to give it the shape, the color and plainly hold the active substance in place.
By contrast, Female Viagra, apart from sildenafil citrate as the active substance whose main task is the same as in its male counterpart – to restore the genital blood flow – contains aphrodisiac components. What are aphrodisiacs and why have them in a female sexual enhancer? Can men take aphrodisiacs and what effects will they have on men’s sexual health?
Aphrodisiacs in the composition of Female Viagra “awaken the passion” and help women taking the drug explore their sexuality. They all are of herbal origin, and their use is not limited to the use in females, on the contrary: they will shake up your sex life and make you experience unique emotions. These are natural remedies with proven efficacy, easy to find and fun to experiment with.
One of the best known herbs, Ginkgo Biloba, which used as a beauty remedy, but also excellent when it comes to sex. The reason? It acts as a vasodilator, much like sildenafil itself, improving blood circulation and favoring tissue oxygenation, including that of the genitals. The sensations in this way will be amplified and the pleasure will become maximum.
Read also about Herbal (Natural) Viagra in this guide: mycanadianpharmacyrx.com/yagara-herbal-viagra
If you want to take things one notch higher, there is nothing better than Maca. It is a tuber that grows in Bolivia and Peru, also known as Peruvian Viagra. Not surprisingly, since it has an energizing function and increases libido. According to some studies it would also allow to increase the fertility of men and women. Used for centuries by the tribes of the Indians who populated the Amazon Forest, Muira Puama is a powerful natural aphrodisiac. This vasodilator acts as an energizer, improves sexual appetite and the desire to make love.
Another medicinal plant used for centuries comes from Asia. This is Tribulus Terrestris which, thanks to steroid saponins, improves desire. In men it stimulates the pituitary gland, leading to a secretion of the luteinizing hormone (LH), while in women it causes the production of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH).
Finally, there is Damiana (or Turnera) and Yohimbe, both drugs will work miracles for your sexual stamina. The first, originating in Central America, helps fight erective deficits and improves sperm production, which is why it is particularly suitable for men. The second remedy comes from West Africa and acts directly on the central nervous system, causing a very strong desire and an overwhelming emotional involvement. The only downside is that it has hallucinogenic effects if taken in large quantities so much that in many countries it can be bought only with a prescription.
Other ways to boost male libido and enhance erectile power
All these enhancers might work great for both sexes, but there is really no call for taking Femalel Viagra – a point that, we are certain, has already sunk in. There is a plethora of male sexual enhancers to choose from at this day and age. Viagra Gold, Himalaya Gel, Herbal Viagra (Yagara) – to name a few. All these herbal preparations contain first-rate ingredients that augment male libido in a natural way, giving it a measured boost. Their obvious advantage is that they are designed taking into account all of the specifics of a male body.
We remind you that even herbal drugs have their contraindications and are not void of their side effects, so a doctor’s opinion is recommended.
Meanwhile, My Canadian Pharmacy Rx reminds you of dangers associated with drug self-administration and encourages you to seek professional medical help before proceeding to actual medicating.