Viagra Professional (Pro): Doses, Adverse Effects, Benefits

from $3.22 to $0.65
The word “Viagra” has long entered our lives and become a household word. Even if you have never seen its impact, you must have heard about the miraculous powers of this medicine. By the way, in 2018, this magic solution celebrated its 20th anniversary. It turns out that these are very young dietary supplements. In the mid-80s, Pfizer elaborated a new med for the treatment of vasculocardiac diseases. For three years, chemists synthesized a new substance that was supposed to vasodilate blood vessels and relax muscles. However, when sildenafil citrate was tested in humans, scientists were disappointed. The project was under threat of closure, and it was saved only by an unexpected adverse effect. Most volunteers reported that after taking the medicine they had a long-lasting erection. In 1993, Viagra was attested by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Today, this blue magic pill is one of the most famous and widely used remedies to restore healthy libido.
Viagra Professional comes into operation the very moment a man experiences arousal. In this case, nitrogen oxide is released allowing veins in genitals to expand which is necessary for a stronger blood flow. The medicine allows you to fully fill the erectile tissue of penis with blood, which guarantees excellent durability of natural erection. Penis maintains an excited state for 4 hours or longer, which provides the possibility of multiple repetition of sexual experience. Via Pro only requires persistent sexual desire, which can be explained by the fact that it affects a number of natural mechanisms, in contrast to artificial stimulants.
Research in the field of medicine has long given the opportunity to quickly and effectively solve problems with male potency. Today it is not unusual to buy the meds and forget about the issues with men’s health. These remedies have long been used by men around the world. Regardless of age, some people are faced with ED, which brings a lot of troubles to a man and his partner. If you fall a victim of this disease, all you need is to buy Viagra Professional to forget what helplessness in bed is. It is worth reminding buyers that this medication acts only in the event of physical attraction to the partner. It does not apply to aphrodisiacs. Being a version of well-demanded Viagra, this solution is not inferior to it in efficiency. The active substance of the remedy provides the active blood flow in a male pelvic area. Thus, the penile tissues are supplied with blood sufficiently causing the state of erected penis. Once you decide on Via Pro, you will be able to forget about the problems sexual life after the first application. Your partner will appreciate your new capabilities.
Viagra Professional vs Generic Viagra
The nineties of the last century were marked by the most important event in the academic world that cannot be overestimated by the discovery of vasodilating capacity of nitrogen oxide and its role in the occurrence of male erection. Thanks to this scientific discovery, a revolutionary drug at that time was created – Viagra, which saved millions of men from troubles with libido. Nevertheless, despite the excellent effect on sexual area, super Vi had (and still has) one drawback – high cost, as a result, not every man can afford these pills. Viagra today is quite expensive because of high costs for the development of the chemical formula, its promotion and advertising.
However, from this situation today there is replacement solution. Nowadays, Prof Viagra is accessible for consumers, which is no less inferior in grade and effectiveness to the branded drug, but sold at a price that is reasonably affordable to most men. In response to skeptics remarking that the cost of a high-class counterpart of non-branded version cannot be lower than the original med, we immediately note that the lower price of Viagra Pro is formed due to the absence of costs for scientific development and research of the active substance among their manufacturers. These costs are very significant and considerably affect the cost of the branded versions.
Another important point is to be noted. You can obtain commercial Viagra only at an offline pharmacy and upon presentation of a doctor’s recipe only, which is very inconvenient for most men, as it requires not only time to pay a visit to a doctor, but also causes them to experience a lot of negative emotions when explaining their delicate problem. Therewith, any confidentiality when buying medicine is out of the question. Quite an alternative situation with Professional Via, which you can purchase comfortably at home without presenting a medical prescription, at an affordable pricing and have delivered to your home by an e-pharmacy. Viagra Prof is much cheaper and easier to buy without a prescription and at reduced prices.
This medicinal product ameliorates potency and libido providing stronger blood flow to penis. Under the influence of this solution, a certain enzyme contributing to ED gets blocked. When it is blocked, erected state of penis becomes longer. Via Pro has a proper effect only with sexual stimulus; it does not work in its absence. To date, there are many remedies for treatment of impotency. This perfect generic is a refined and individualized form of low libido therapy. The medicine is described in detail and clinically tested to improve your intimate relationship with a partner. You should administer Viagra Professional 15-25 minutes prior to the start of sexual adventure in order to obtain the brightest erection. You are going to be full of desire and feel rejuvenated. Please, note that applying Via Professional after rich meals (cheeseburgers, chips, etc.) will prolong the time of drug’s onset.
Exclusive Benefits of Viagra Professional
This is an improved version of a simple Viagra. Thus, main substance remains the same – sildenafil at a dose of 100 mg. The med is prescribed to persons who have difficulty in achieving erection during coitus. The remedy is produced in blisters of 4 tablets. Each blister has an expiration date and other necessary information.
In comparison with traditional Viagra, this version has its beneficial aspects:
- better purification of the active ingredient;
- the optimal amount in blisters;
- optimal dosage;
- guaranteed effect.
All adverse effects are identical to the ones of the branded drug. The power of Vi Prof is comparable to Kamagra 100 mg and Suhagra 100 mg. And so you need not worry that you buy a placebo which will be inoperative at a crucial moment.
The Mechanism Of Action
The main agent of the med is sildenafil that is able to block phosphodiesterase. It is the very enzyme that prevents a full filling of penis with blood and causes its outflow. Due to sildenafil’s capacity to inhibit PDE5, the relaxing effect of nitrogen oxide on cavernous bodies of penis is stimulated which leads to vasodilation of blood vessels. This, in turn, predisposes to increased blood flow to a sexual organ. Thus, a natural hardening of penis occurs. Viagra Prof can’t take a downright relaxing effect on penile muscles, but it increases the level of cGMP in the cavernous bodies by inhibition of PDE5. With low potency and weak or absent erection, the remedy assists in restoration of erectile function and returns the penis’s ability to penetrate.
What way does Viagra Professional work on healthy men who do not have intimate problems? According to the research conducted, application of the remedy increases the duration of sex activity, and also reduces the period of refractoriness that occurs after emission of semen. Due to this, you can reach several orgasms in a row by applying the drug one time. The action of V Professional begins approximately 30 min after ingestion. The effect lasts 4 hours or longer depending on man’s age, constitution, features of the functioning of a digestive system and other factors. After 2 hours after applying the medication, a slight weakening of its action may be observed. However, if sexual arousal is present, the impact will last the same amount of time. To get a more stable outcome from V Professional intake, you must administer it before meals.
Dosage Guidelines
Each tablet of Professional version contains 100 mg of sildenafil. It is advised to drink it with pure water or juice, except grapefruit. More than 100 mg a day is a bad practice, as the risk of adverse consequences is quite high. Undesirable phenomena manifest themselves in the form of headache, nasal congestion, facial blushing. After taking the first pill, you will feel a significant increase in potency, self-reliance, stroke of luck in other areas of life. If you just want to try Viagra Professional, we make referral to this particular dosage and this version. With it you will realize the advantages of Viagra Pro, and what the medicine is capable of.
Choose Your Viagra Professional Package with My Canadian Pharmacy
The pricing schedule of Via Pro somewhat relies on the blister size (to be precise, on the amount of tablets in a pack) you decide on. The greater the amount of tablets in a pack, the lower their unit pricing.
When buying favorite pills at MCH, you can find the following Viagra Pro’s packages:
- 10 tabs
- 20 tabs
- 30 tabs
- 60 tabs
- 90 tabs
- 120 tabs
- 180 tabs
- 270 tabs
- 360 tabs
Please, note: when you opt for Viagra Prof packing which includes 90 tablets and more, you receive your booking for free, except for larger savings.
The Method Of Applying
Vi Professional has one active component – sildenafil. But thanks to the special formula utilized in the med, the duration of action is up to 8 hours. In addition, sildenafil is absorbed within 30 minutes. Please, note that a parallel intake of Via Prof with alcoholic beverages increases the absorption time of active agent, i.e. the effect appears a little later. A sole tab contains 100 mg of the main substance, which is the optimal dose for men of any age. Taking V Pro is warranted to increase your passion during sex.
Viagra Pro and Young People
Recently there has been an alarming trend in the consumption of blue pills by young people. Young people begin to consume Viag Pro and its analogs barely reaching 18 years, in order to pass for indefatigable lovers without thinking about risks. If at first, the main consumers of Viagra Pro were men of 50 years, now V Professional fans are becoming young people from 18 to 30 years old with problems of potency, although many of them do this simply because, for example, they are going to go to bed with a girl for the first time and they are afraid to fail at the first meeting, or they do not feel confident. Medics are alarmed by the fact that young people do not understand the risk associated with the consumption of Via Pro at an age that is expressed in the risk of all sorts of complications or diseases of internal organs. The most important thing is mental disorders, which consist in psychological addiction to the medicine. Studies show that with regular use of Viagra Professional at intervals of 2 to 3 capsules a week, within a year, young people aged 20-22 years with absolutely healthy indicators of the body are not able to have sexual intercourse normally, with no medication. Such a problem occurs at a subconscious level. This is confirmed by every 80 out of 100 respondents aged 20 to 25 years old who possess an absolutely healthy body on the physical level.
Dosage Safety Note
The drug is poduced in the dose of 100 mg of the main agent. It is possible to reduce it to 50mg by dividing a tablet into two halves. Only a physician will help to determine the appropriate dosage in each case. Viag Pro is allowed to be taken only once a day. Men over 65 or those suffering from liver and kidney ailments are advised to take no more than 25 mg of medication, that is, a quarter of a tablet, per day. Patients taking protease inhibitors are also advised to take no more than 25 mg of the drug and no more than once every 48 hours. The tablet must be taken one hour before the planned intimate relationships. Within 30 minutes after this and within the next 4 hours, the remedy will help to achieve a persistent erection under the condition of sexual arousal. By the way, the effect of this drug after ingestion of fatty foods may slow down a bit. Representatives of the strong half of humanity must understand that for each of them this remedy acts differently. If someone’s erection lasts more than 4 hours after taking Viag Prof, this case should be reported to the doctor. It is impossible to ignore such an effect, otherwise irreversible damage to penis may develop.
Contraindications & Precautions
First, you must not use the medicine if you are planning a long series of sexual acts: the effect of Via Prof lasts from four to six hours, and the advised daily dose varies (depending on the characteristics of the body) from 25 to 100 mg, that is, not more than one tablet (a half or a quarter of it). If you are counting on a lasting effect, the use of other drugs is recommended. Second, Viagra Prof is undesirable to take with food and alcohol, so as not to weaken the effect. For activities involving a romantic dinner and wine, it is better to use other drugs. Third, Professional Via should not be taken by men with a weak heart, renal and hepatic failure, a stomach and intestinal ulcer, as well as by those suffering from intolerability to the components of the drug. In addition, Viagra Professional is not recommended to be taken with nitrates (with nitroglycerin, for example) and some other substances.
Interactions With Other Pills
Doctors have noticed that some drugs slow down the clearance rate of Viagra Professional. With the joint use of such drugs and Viagra, it took more time for the body to completely get rid of sildenafil. This was manifested in an increased level of sildenafil in the blood over several hours and even days, which, in turn, is associated with the risk of undesirable side-effects. Such effects can have: itraconazole and ketoconazole (widely used to treat fungal infections); the drug tagamet, which is used in the treatment of tumors, as well as the antibiotic, erythromycin. After thorough research of this issue by medical specialists, the use of Viagra Professional together with these and some other rare drugs was allowed, only the dosage should be minimal. It is recommended to use tablets containing 25mg of sildenafil. So, if you are constantly taking any medications, carefully read the instructions for Viagra and, if necessary, adjust the dose.
Vi and nitrates
One of the groups of patients who are definitely not worth the risk of using Viagra Prof is those who are taking any medications containing nitrates. Most often, nitrates-containing drugs are used for the treatment of angina pectoris – pain in the heart area caused by narrowing of the coronary arteries in atherosclerosis. Nitrogen-containing drugs do the same thing as Pro Via they expand the arteries – and the simultaneous use of these two drugs can cause a sharp and life-threatening drop in blood pressure. According to the latest data, approximately 5% of patients with erectile dysfunction receive treatment with nitrates.
Viagra and Aspirin
There are some misconceptions regarding the interaction of Via Prof with other commonly used drugs, such as aspirin. Some people unreasonably believe that the use of Via Prof-al can affect the productivity of aspirin in blood. Particularly concerned were those who constantly use aspirin to prevent angina. But these concerns have long been dispelled by doctors. If the drugs that you take are not mentioned in the instructions for Viag Pro, they can be combined, they do not interact and do not interfere with each other’s work.
Alcohol use
There is no adverse effect on the action of the remedy and the health of the man and the joint use of V Pro and alcohol. This is proven by medical trials. Researchers observed men who drank alcohol. One group took only alcohol, and the other took it together with Viagra Professional. The state of the body of men in both groups of alcohol intake is reflected quite the same. Viagra Pro also did not reduce its effectiveness. But do not forget that alcohol has a serious impact on a person and his sexual ability. On the one hand, this influence is positive, as a person is liberated and more susceptible to passion. But on the other hand, alcohol in large doses can so strongly affect the state of the human body (up to poisoning in case of overdose) that the magic effect of Viagra Professional will simply be nullified.
Adverse reactions
In some cases, the intake of Vi Prof may manifest with dizziness, drowsiness, fainting, and visual perception impairment. These manifestations are possible with the combination of Viagra Professional with other drugs or alcohol. Care should be taken to refuse driving and operating machinery to avoid potentially dangerous actions, if you do not know your own reaction when exposed to the drug. Dizziness and clouding of consciousness are possible if you combine the use of V Prof with alcohol, physical exertion, high body temperature or hot weather. If signs of these symptoms appear, it is advisable to assume a lying or sitting position.
Adverse reactions may have an increased effect in patients with heart problems; there may be a risk of stroke and heart attack. Symptoms of heart attack include pain in chest, shoulders, neck, headache, dizziness, nausea, stomach pain, vomiting, fainting, vision loss. Symptoms of a stroke are clouding of the consciousness, blurred vision, impaired speech, fainting, and weakness. If these symptoms occur, contact your doctor immediately.
In rare cases, the solution for ED can cause a painful erection, the appearance of which is possible even during sexual intercourse. In this case, it is necessary to begin treatment; otherwise these symptoms may cause further sexual problems, including impotency. If there is evidence of such a reaction to the drug, you should immediately consult a doctor.
It is required not to use other medicines to treat erectile dysfunction while taking Viagra Professional. Viagra Pro does not prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases to a sexual partner. Pregnancy is also not prevented when taking the drug. Particular care should be taken by older people, as they are more sensitive to its action. Viag Prof should not be taken by women, including pregnant or nursing mothers.
Viagra Professional Pill FAQ
What is the use of VProfessional?
Returning the joy and satisfaction of sex to men, thereby improving their quality of life – this is how Viagra Professional helps. With a partially lost ability to erection, you can restore the full functioning of penis, and this is the main answer to the question about its productivity.
Is it addictive?
To find out if there is any addiction to Vi Pro, you need to consider the mechanism of the drug effect. The med improves blood flow in penis, and physical, the most difficult addiction develops when embedding the components of the drug in the metabolic processes. Therefore, dependence on Via Prof at the physiological level cannot occur. But the question of the remedy, whether it is addictive on a psychological level, should be answered positively. Such an addiction to the drug is formed infrequently and is treated by a psychologist.
What is the adverse effect of Via Professional?
The general list of side-effects of V Prof in men is extensive. Adverse effects of the medication on body are manifested primarily in headaches and appearance of a sensation of heat in the facial area. These are the most frequent reactions. But with the use of V Professional, side-effects are possible in the form of visual impairment, gastrointestinal function, dizziness, nausea, tachycardia, prolonged erection. Acne does not happen from the application of the remedy, but allergic skin rashes may appear. The use of it rarely provokes side-effects in practice. Men who have used Viagra Professional indicate a slight negative reaction. Most do not notice them at all.
Is the medicine harmful?
Whether Viagra Professional is harmful depends on the general condition of a patient. The damage to a body can occur only with the presence of serious health problems. Is there any harm from Viagra Professional, when properly administered? No, the drug is safe. If you do not comply with the dosage, serious adverse reactions are possible, and this is when Viagra Professional is harmful to men. A doctor must give a personal recommendation whether it is harmful to take the drug or not. Clinical trials have not confirmed the harm of the drugl. The question is solved in favor of the drug with strict adherence to prescribed doses. If a patient has incompatible contraindications, Viag Prof is definitely dangerous.
What could be the consequences of Via Pro intake?
The consequences that can occur after the solution’s intake are determined by its properties. If we mean negative consequences after the use of Vi Pro, they are expressed in adverse reactions. The positive consequences of taking the med imply the effective restoration of sexual function.
How to stop the effect of Viagra professional?
Problems tied with ceasing the action of Vi Pro do not exist, because without sexual stimulation an erection does not occur. If erection does not subside for a long time after its administration, a patient must immediately consult a doctor. This is one of the side reactions that can cause serious consequences.
Does Viagra Pro help?
If the remedy does not work, why does this happen? The reasons may be different, although 80% of men report a good effect of the drug. First, you need to make sure that the drug is not fake. When the original Viagra Professional does not help, a man should report it to a doctor. Problems with erection may not depend on the deterioration of the blood supply to penis. Lack of testosterone is one of the reasons why Viagra Professional does not help.
Does it cure impotency?
It depends on the factors that cause impotency. Also, the severity level of a sexual disorder is of significant importance. In any case, it is worth trying with due regard to the recommendations of a doctor.
Where can I get a discount coupon for Viagra Professional?
One sure way to get the most out of the best price for Vi Professional is to sign up for newsletters at MCP. You will receive only relevant news and health updates on topics of interest, as well as alerts on drug discounts and sales. Moreover, you will get discount codes for our best ED pills. If for any reason you do not want to receive any updates at our pharmacy, you can still use the Via Professional coupon and the corresponding discount by visiting the home page of our official website and scanning it to get a 10% discount coupon.
Does Viagra Professional prolong sexual activity?
The preparation does not cure the causes of premature ejaculation. But thanks to persistent erection, many men notice that Viagra Pro prolongs sexual intercourse. Doctors argue whether the drug increases the duration of sex or not, and they come to the conclusion that this does not follow from the mechanism of action of the drug. Whether Viagra Pro prolongs sexual intercourse or not, depends on the individual characteristics of an organism.
Does Viagra Professional enlarge penis?
Sometimes it may seem so. But this is an erroneous opinion – the size of a penis is not affected by the drug.
Product Disclaimer: We hereby remind you that no decision concerning your health should be taken without prior consultation with a licensed healthcare practitioner. In this connection, reiterates that educational materials presented as information on drugs, treatments and diseases should not be viewed as practical advice. It is only a doctor who can pinpoint the diagnosis and appoint treatment after a physical examination. Our Pharmacy is not responsible for any eventual misuse of information presented on this product page.