Horny Goat Weed (Epimedium): New Herbal Viagra
- Epimedium Introduction
- Botanical Description
- Chemical Composition of Epimedium
- Healing Properties of Horny Goat Weed
- Epimedium: a Perfect Home Remedy
- Horny Goat Weed: Natural Viagra
- What Happens If Athletes Use Epimedium?
- Side-Effects and Contraindications
- How to Cure with Horny Goat Weed?
- Procurement of the Materials
- Methods of Application
- Therapeutic Recipes
- It Is Interesting…
- Most Typical Species of Epimedium
- A Place for Horny Goat Weed in the Garden: Lighting and Soil
- Summary
Horny Goat Weed (Epimedium) Introduction
Horny goat weed is a vegetable material widely used in Korean, Japanese and especially Chinese folk medicine. This perennial plant belongs to the barberry family. Chinese folk medicine has existed for millennia. It considers epimedium or horny goat weed to be an effective №1 male remedy. Confirmation of epimedium usefulness lies in its capacity to maintain male health and strength of the population of China. It won’t hurt men to get to know such a miraculous herb. Horny goat weed is a common perennial plant which belongs to the genus including more than 50 different species.
This beautiful plant is also called elves’ flower for its openwork foliage and weightless beautiful flowers. And the quantity of names doesn’t end up here: the Chinese call this perennial plant horny goat weed. In summer, while walking along the forest, a person can find grass with flowers of blue, pink and white color resembling a candle. They begin to bloom in May; their diameter is about 2cm. Blossom lasts long about two months and more. The leaves of the large-flowered blossom are decorative throughout the season. They envelop the stems and go to the wedge to the base. In the autumn they become dark-red. Parks and gardens are decorated with epimedium, because it is famous not only for its medicinal properties, but for its refinement and beauty.
Botanical Description
Horny goat weed grows in moist mountain forests, foothills, forest firebreaks, gardens, meadows, and bushes. Epimedium is very easy to keep and can grow almost everywhere in the shade and in the open sun. It is resistant to temperature changes, only in severe frost some evergreen species may freeze. Reproduction is carried out by seeds and by dividing the bush. Horny goat weed is strong, long, creeping, has many branches. It grows horizontally in the direction from the center to the periphery. At the 5th – 6th year of life, the gradual withering of the central inner part of the bush begins.
The height of scions depends on the species ad varies from 15 to 75 cm. The stem of epimedium is thin, erect, covered with a reddish-brown bark. The leaves are dense, leathery, predominantly radical, located on long petioles and of bright green color. If the distance between the leaves is 1 – 2 cm, the plants form dense bushes, and if 3 – 7 cm – they are more friable. The shape of leaf blade can be heart-shaped, lanceolate or elliptical. The edges of leaves can be wavy, smooth or finely toothed. Some types of plants are colored in bright purple or orange along the edges and along the veins of the leaves are painted that increases their decorativeness.
It is noteworthy: in connection with the discovery of medicinal properties of epimedium in China, there is a legend according to which a shepherd, who grazed animals on the field where the plant grew, found a significant increase in their sexual activity. Thus, among Chinese healers, the epimedium received an interesting name – horny goat weed. The blossom period lasts all summer. Flowers are bunched in simple or twice branched loose racemous inflorescences with a pair of leaves at the base. The calyx consists of eight sepals arranged in two rows under each other. Internal sepals are like petals. The corolla (diameter 0.5 – 2 cm) of unusual shape consists of four petals, which can be divided or form a ring. Some plant species have long or short hooked spurs on the petals. Coloring of flowers is different: purple, white, yellow, etc. When the fetus ripens, the smaller dorsal wing disappears and opens the lower sash that carries the small seeds.
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Chemical Composition of Epimedium
The medicinal properties and composition of horny goat weed are now thoroughly studied by Chinese scientists. It has been established that the herb and rhizome of the plant contain the following active substances: alkaloids (deoxymethyl-lyricin, magnoflorin); saponins; steroids (beta-sitosterol, campesterol, etc.); flavonoids; bitter substances; glycosides (quercetin, icarizide, epimedins, icarian); resins; essential oils; tannins.
Healing Properties of Horny Goat Weed
The treating features of this plant have been known for thousands of years. After a number of research studies, modern scientists came to the conclusion that this is true.
The results of their confirmed the therapeutic properties of the epimedium work once again:
- it affects kidneys and urination normalizes;
- with its help, there is an opportunity to keep blood pressure in norm, because it dilutes blood, blood vessels and capillaries;
- horny goat weed helps to remove excess fluid from the body;
- the plant improves blood circulation in vessels that feed the liver and kidneys;
- it is peculiar to excite sensuality, and also takes part in preventing from premature ejaculation;
- an important property – entire rejuvenation of the body: an obstacle to formation of wrinkles and preservation of skin moisture in norm;
- the intake of epimedium preparations contributes to the elimination of dizziness, fatigue and stress;
- large-flowered horny goat weed has a restorative and tonic effect.
In addition to the mentioned before, research studies have shown that epimedium is capable of increasing the sensitivity of nerve endings, which in turn leads to increased sexual sensations. Horny goat weed has anti-inflammatory properties, tannic and astringent effect.
Epimedium: a Perfect Home Remedy
Physicians in their practice use the aboveground part of epimedium harvested in the period when it blooms. They make decoctions and infusions of this plant that treat the inflammatory processes in throat and mucous membrane of the mouth. Horny goat weed is largely applied for the treatment of gastrointestinal tract disorders. This is a very effective antimicrobial agent for clearing purulent wounds and furuncles. The use of large-flowered epimedium in folk medicine is very wide. Healers apply it during the treatment of neuroses, depressive states, for improvement of mental abilities of a person. Since ancient times, a large-flowered horny goat weed blossom has been very much appreciated by Chinese healers. Herbal extract was used to vasodilate capillaries. But the main advantage of epimedium was its positive effect on men’s body eliminating sexual disorders.
Horny Goat Weed: Natural Viagra
After epimedium intake there is an increase in adrenaline in organism, which causes the enlargement of male hormones level. This condition results in sexual arousal, persistent erection and prolonged repeated sexual activities. Epimedium in this case acts like Viagra-type preparations. Moreover, this plant is good for enhancement of sensations and delivery of indescribable satisfaction during intimacy for both men and women. Plus, horny goat weed remedies have no special contraindications and age limits as opposed to synthetic medications.
Epimedium is often used to decorate gardens in Western Europe. This plant is used as aphrodisiac stimulating the secretion of sex hormones, enhancing sexual desire in both women and men, and having a general restorative effect. In natural conditions, epimedium may be found in the foothills of the Caucasus, the Alps, the Far East, Southern Europe, North West Africa, East and North Asia.
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What Happens If Athletes Use Epimedium?
After the intake of horny goat weed extract, the concentration of testosterone in the blood gets increased. Drugs made of epimedium affect the secretion of hormones, without which it is impossible to achieve fat loss and normal growth of muscular system. Epimedium helps athletes to be balanced, keep the psyche in norm and not to get depressed. Taking horny goat weed drugs raises mood and adds strength for training. The athlete’s body calms down, which is very important before the start of the competition.
Side-Effects and Contraindications
Adverse effects from epimedium intake occur, but quite rarely. Sometimes the remedy becomes a cause of aggressiveness, fever and tachycardia. Scientists, conducting research on animals, noticed a malfunction of thyroid gland that may lead to obesity. Very rarely, the prescription of horny goat weed causes allergic reactions, nausea and vomit. Individual intolerability is observed in particular cases. Pregnant and lactating women are not allowed to take medications with the addition of epimedium. People with underlying risk for allergy and hypersensitivity to this plant must not apply epimedium. For children, horny goat weed may affect the hormonal background leading to incorrect formation of sexual characters. The healing properties of epimedium are not fully studied, but scientific and folk’s medicinal practices consider this plant a harmless, effective natural remedy.
How to Cure with Horny Goat Weed?
Epimedium-based remedies are long applied in Eastern folk’s medicine mainly for treatment of sexual organs disorders in both men and women. Moreover, they have immune-stimulating, rejuvenating, tonic and restorative effects on organism and are used in the complex treatment of various diseases. The large-flowered epimedium is used in folk medicine to maintain sexual function in men, and therefore, it is often called “green Viagra”.
It strengthens sexual desire, increases erection, eliminates premature ejaculation, and has anabolic properties as well. At the same time, epimedium has a complex action: relieves stress and chronic fatigue due to potency issues caused by psychological factors; increases concentration of free testosterone in blood by enhancement the level of other hormones (noradrenaline, adrenaline, dopamine and serotonin) stimulating their production; expands small blood vessels in penis, thereby increasing the flow of blood to it that contributes to the improvement of erectile function, enhancement of spermatogenesis and amelioration of fertility.
Medications based on it are effective for the treatment and prevention of osteoporosis, reproductive system diseases – infertility, impotence, dysmenorrhea, menstrual irregularities. Infusions of hot dogs help with diseases of the urinary system, vascular pathologies and heart diseases, chronic kidney failure and radiation sickness. The presence of tannins provides astringent and antimicrobial action.
Decoctions of the epimedium are used externally for the treatment of furuncles and boils, mouth rinsing for therapy of inflammatory processes on mucosa; also, they are consumed perorally in digestive tract as well. Sometimes horny goat weed is used as a sedative, as it reduces anxiety, panic attacks, normalizes sleep, relieves nervousness and has an antidepressant effect. The medicinal properties of epimedium include its diuretic effect; increase of uterine contraction; dilution of blood; improvement of blood circulation in the pelvic area; normalization of the exchange of fluid in body; antiviral and antimicrobial effects; improvement of erection. Epimedium-based solutions are used for anemia, insomnia, rheumatism, joint and muscle pains, hypertension, colds, psychasthenia, heart failure.
The plant has long been used as an exciting (estrogenic and gonadotropic) remedy, significantly stimulating nervous sensitivity, which enhances sexual desire and potency in men. It also improves the quality of sperm, increases the number of germ cells in it and their motility. In women, horny goat weed promotes the normalization of the menstrual cycle, increases libido, and is used for infertility, painful menstruation and inflammatory diseases of pelvic organs. The plant helps during menopause, reducing the risks of osteoporosis and hypertension.
Procurement of the Materials
As a medicinal material the ground parts of epimedium are used. They are harvested during the blossom period. The stems are neatly cut with scissors, then laid out in one layer on a pallet and dried in a dry place with good ventilation or outdoors under a canopy. It is also possible to dry them in automated dryers and his procedure may significantly shorten the preparation time. Finished dried materials should be stored in tissue bags for no longer than 2 years. The materials are packed in such a way that air can flow freely between stems.
Methods of Application
In folk medicine, horny goat weed is used in the form of infusions, broths and crushed dry powder. A patient should take 5 g of the herb, pour it with ½ l of hot water, infuse within 30 minutes, and then filter the mixture. 200 ml of infusion should be administered three times a day during meals. For impairments of menstrual cycle, the infusion is prepared with 2 g of raw material and 600 ml of water. Epimedium infusion for enhancement of male strength should be prepared as follows: a person needs to dry the plant (15 g), crush it, place in a pan, pour 250 ml of steep boiling water and keep in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. Then he or she should cover the preparation with a lid and infuse within 2 hours. The cooked infusion is then filtered and taken per 1 tea spoon with meals three times a day. The product is to be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than 7 days.
Therapeutic Recipes
- Let us prepare the most useful infusion for menstrual cycle disorders. Take a third of a tea spoon of the material (about 2 grams), pour it to 600 milliliters of hot water. Consume 200 milliliters three times a day before meals.
- Quick and easy curative of sore throats. Take one dried flower of epimedium, fill it with a glass of boiling water and let the product infuse for half an hour. Filter the medicine and the infusion is ready! Rinse your throat.
- A ready-made healing drug for treatment of erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, joint pain, curing colds, hypertension, tracheitis and bronchitis. Take 15 grams of horny goat weed, grind it in a ceramic mortar, pour into an enameled vessel and pour the preparation with another glass of boiling water. The brew should be put on a water bath for ten minutes on a small fire, but rolling boil must be avoided. After cooking, the infusion is removed from the plate, covered with a lid and watered for a couple of hours, and then filtered. Filter the percolation through the gauze. How to do it? Take the material, fold it into two layers, cover with it a saucepan and pour into it the cooked infusion. The mixture will remain on the fabric, it can also be squeezed, so that more medicine is available, and then dispose of it. The curative drink should be stored no longer than a week in the refrigerator. The room temperature is not acceptable for storage. Expired infusion may cause poisoning.
It Is Interesting…
- The plant has an interesting name – horny goat weed due to the fact that people noticed that sheep and goats became active and playful after eating the grass.
- In Germany, the grass is called the flower of the elves.
- There are about fifty plant species in the world.
- The flower is very beautiful and tender; therefore, it is often used to decorate gardens and park areas.
Most Typical Species of Horny Goat Weed
Nowadays, gardeners raise on their own sites about 10 species of horny goat weed, and although this plant is extremely rare, mass reproduction of flowers throughout the world is planned in the future.
Here are some species of this plant:
1. Alpine epimedium – is found in the mountainous regions of Italy, France, Austria, Germany and Switzerland. This perennial plant with a yellowish color of flowers is about 20 cm high.
2. Evergreen Colchisian epimedium is generally met in the mountain regions of Turkey and the Caucasus. The plant forms a dense cover. The thick layer of leaves changes every 14-16 months. Blossoms occur in early-mid-May for 10-15 days. The flowers are sunny-yellow, small, about 1.5-2 cm.
3. Multicolored horny goat weed is a hybrid of the large-colored and Colchis epimedium. This kind of plant well tolerates snowy winters, so it can be found in Russia. Leaves are large – 35-40 cm with a purple color. Yellow-lemon blooms occur in May and last three weeks.
4. Korean epimedium is often found in the shady forests of South Korea, Mongolia, China, Cambodia, etc. It forms dense foliage with multiple leaves. Horny goat weed blooms in May for 15-20 days. Flowers are very beautiful and light purple. The plant is frost-resistant; therefore, the climate of the mountain regions of Mongolia is tolerated without much difficulty. This epimedium type is genetically protected from various diseases. It grows slowly, no more than 2 cm every year.
5. Large-flowered epimedium is found in Japan and eastern Russia. Probably, this is the most common type of the plant. It tolerates a cold climate well, but in snowless winters requires additional warmth. It has large leaves with a characteristic bronze color. Large-flowered epimedium blooms in purple or white.
6. Red epimedium forms a dense bush above the surface of the earth. It blooms with bright red flowers. The most common of all kinds of epimedium is found in Russia.
7. Pinnate epimedium grows in the mountainous regions of Iraq, Iran and the Caucasus. It has a large root of a cylindrical shape. The plant blooms in March. It grows to a height of 50 cm with dense leaves of about 40 cm long. On the leaves, a reddish-colored hair is formed.
8. Perralderia epimedium is found in the mountainous regions of Algeria. This is a sod-forming plant with light yellow flowers. It tolerates moderate frosts well and has shiny leaves. It is not afraid of pests and runs wild throughout a year.
The life span of epimedium is 10-12 years. With proper care, this period can be increased. These are only some of epimedium types more generally in the form of ornamental plants.
A Place for Horny Goat Weed in the Garden: Lighting and Soil
Almost all kinds of epimedium can cope well with any pests. The plant is unpretentious to sunlight, but the best place for planting is penumbra. Soil must be selected with neutral moisture and acidity. This type of plant poorly tolerates black earth. The soil should be clay-slurry or sand-dung. Apart from epimedium, you can grow such perennials: astilba, aconite, brunner, dicentra, goats-beard, saxifrage, globe-flower, lupine, plantain lily in the shaded garden. The root system of epimedium is capable of actively absorbing water from soil. Such strong soil moisture can adversely affect the favorable growth of the flower of elves. In winter, epimedium is better mulched and covered with a film.
It is better to plant horny goat weed in the middle-end of April. But if it is planted in summer or autumn, the problems with overgrowth should not arise. The plant easily acclimatizes throughout the growing season. If epimedium seedlings are bought in a container, then they can be planted in open soil at any time except winter. Before start, it is necessary to stimulate the plant with a solution of rootstock, heteroauxin or epin. It is done this way: the plant is placed into the solution for 25-30 minutes. After the bubbles stop popping up, the seedlings can be planted in the open ground. The soil should be dug and covered with a thin layer of humus. It is noteworthy that Alpine epimedium has been mentioned in the literature since 1561. If the epimedium seedlings were purchased with an open root system, it would be the best variant to plant in spring. But before starting to stimulate with solutions that are described for seedlings in a container, only the procedure time is increased to 4-5 hours. After that all the harmful microorganisms that were present at the root die, and the plant can be planted in open soil. After disembarkation, epimedium needs special care. For the beginning, fertilize the soil with mulch. Then the seedlings need to be watered daily for two weeks, until they fully survive.
Epimedium – a mountain plant that poorly tolerates strong moisture and winters without snow, so it needs special care. However, the flower of elves has a huge advantage in growing and nursing in various areas: the plant fights practically with all harmful microorganisms. Therefore, no special protection measures are required.
This plant loves a moderately moisture soil type. Many species of epimedium are dry and do not need watering. Watering should be done during the first two weeks after planting, and then every 3-4 weeks. In especially dry periods, they are to be watered once every 1.5-2 weeks. These procedures should be done for better blooming of epimedium and for decorative purposes. However, the plant will not die even if it is not watered at all. It is curious that horny goat weed of Japanese, Chinese and Algerian origin should be covered with a protective film for winter. After planting and watering, epimedium weeks requires special care in terms of fertilizers in the first two weeks. It is done in order to give the plant a beautiful decorative form. However, it is not necessary to do the afore-mentioned procedures with special intensity. It is enough to cover every spring layer of soil near the mulch plant. Epimedium is a perfect source of organic fertilizers in the form of foliage. Horny goat weed discards a few leaves before winter, and the next year they also become mulch for the plant.
To make the flower decorative, you can cut old leaves, but do it carefully, without touching the shoots and floral neoplasms. Since the epimedium is a mountain plant, it takes care of itself at genetic level in the process of evolution.
Some types of epimedium require root warming for winter, especially when the winter is snowless and with severe frosts. In order to prevent the elven flower from perishing, the soil around the roots should be covered with a thick layer of leaves. Remove the leaves in spring, when the frost at night will pass. In England, epimedium is called the “cap of the archbishop” because of the presence of the spur on the aureole. Evergreen species of epimedium remain covered with foliage during winter until the beginning of May when they are discarded. This process is very slow and prevents from the sprouting of new leaves. Therefore, in early April, you need to cut off about 40-50% of the leaves.
Horny goat weed grows in a wide and beautiful dark green layer. Leaves can acquire shades of purple and bronze colors and serve as decorations in rockeries, rock gardens and mixborders. Ay person can grow a garden or a terrace at site with epimedium. In spring, when there are not so many green plants, the glow is especially pleasing with epimedium flowering. Epimedium is often accompanied by ferns, hellebore, tiares, lungwort. Bushes of 7-9 pieces, planted under the trees, will be both an ornament and a living fertilizer to older neighbors.
Horny goat weed has a variety of medicinal properties. Roots and leaves of the epimedium contain steroids, alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins and glycosides. The healing characteristics of the plants have long been legendary in the eastern part of Asia. “Elves’ Flower” is a strong choleretic and diuretic. It is also useful for strengthening body’s immune system. Epimedium tincture cannot be taken during pregnancy and lactation. The systematic reception of horny goat weed increases male potency. Administration of epimedium tincture by men increases the rate of spermatogenesis.
Also, the activity of germ cells increases, which positively affects the future fertilization of ovum. Horny goat weed stimulates the accelerated circulation, which positively affects the male erection. Epimedium is used during menopause period in women in the form of a tincture. It helps to normalize blood pressure and cheer up with endorphins contained in it. If a person drinks tea with epimedium, reaction speed of neurons in brain increases. This process positively affects the speed of thinking and concentration. Also, when taking this tea, the process of removing toxic substances from the body is accelerated. Korean tincture is sold in pharmacies. The drug is specifically designed to enhance the potency of men.