Viagra Gold (Chinese Sildenafil): How to Take, Adverse Effects, When Not to Take, Important Information

from $11.00 to $7.13
Gold Viagra is a one of the most popular anti ED drug produced outside of American continent. Manufactured by prominent Chinese pharmacists, Gold Viagra is definitely a product worth your attention. There are various advantages to this product as well as some adverse effects that you must be aware of. This drug can be a great addition to any ED treatment plan and help to regain your self-esteem.
This drug contains various ingredients namely sildenafil (Viagra) and herbal additives. This is a strong combination of synthetic and natural compounds designed to improve your potency both physiologically and psychologically. Created as a strong competitor of conventional ED treatment drugs, Gold Viagra is a good choice for experienced users who want a stronger result with shorter offset time.
This drug contains mainly PDE5 inhibitors namely sildenafil and several supporting additives. The mechanism of action is similar to many other PDE5 inhibitors and focuses on lowering the blood pressure and allowing for better blood flow to enable stronger erection by relaxing muscle tissues in arteries close to cavernous penile tissues that soak in blood and lead to erection. A strong controllable erection is possible only when the blood flow is not obstructed.
Gold Viagra has active ingredient sildenafil. This is the most popular drug of the category. Introduced to the market in 1998, this drug has made a huge impact in the industry and dramatically changed the landscape of the market spawning multiple competitors and forcing the whole industry to completely rethink both marketing and technological approach to creating anti ED drugs. There is no doubt that science has no better and effective type of drugs other than PDE5 inhibitors that provide nearly guaranteed solution to the problem of physiological impotence.
Alongside sildenafil, Gold Generic Viagra contains an assortment of natural ingredients proven by thousands of years of usage in Chinese medicine. Various herbs and supplements included in this drug are helpful both in case of erectile dysfunction and benign prostate hyperplasia as well as issues with urination in general.
Gold Viagra contains traditionally used herbs like Licorice, Astragalus, and Eucommia. These extracts are widely used in European herbalism and even in Ayurveda. Strictly Chinese additions are Chinese Wolfberry which can be poisonous if used incorrectly and sheep testicles. The latter contain lots of microelements that help to improve one’s sexual drive.
Gold Generic Viagra is a “combo” drug that aims to improve your sexuality on all fronts: physiological, psychological, and even spiritual. If you need a strong effective drug to get yourself in shape, this medication is the best possible solution.
How to Take Viagra Gold
This drug is issued in packages containing 10 pills each. An approximate dosage of sildenafil is roughly 30mg per pill. Adjust dosages and your schedule according to this concentration of the main ingredient. This drug is a strong medication suitable for experienced users who know how their organism react to sildenafil and other PDE5 inhibitors.
Just like any other aphrodisiac, Gold Viagra should not be taken together with food. You can use this drug as a when-needed medication and take a pill 30-40 minutes prior to engaging into sexual activities. The offset time of this drug is usually shorter than that of Viagra and takes up to 30 minutes to show a notable effect.
Avoid combining this drug with other PDE5 inhibitors (Cialis, Viagra, Levitra, Vivanza, etc.) and/or alcohol/poppers. These drugs may further lower your blood pressure which may be dangerous especially for people with inconsistent blood pressure.
Taking more than one pill per day is not recommended and may lead to intense adverse effects. While neither sildenafil nor other ingredients accumulate in your organism or survive liver metabolism, taking unnecessarily large amounts of medication per day is unadvised.
Adverse Effects
There are various side effects that may be a problem for men not familiar with the mechanism of action of sildenafil. Adverse effects can be divided into several categories: common, rare, and extremely rare. The latter not only happens seldom, but may be life threatening if left unattended.
Common adverse effects may include:
- Flushing, redness of face;
- Runny or stuffy nose;
- Light headaches;
- Problems with digestion;
- Slight changes in perception (hearing noises or problems with identifying colors);
- Muscle and/or back pains.
Note that muscle and back pains should always go away within 36 hours after the initial intake of the drug. If these pains bother you, consult with your doctor and try altering the dosage. Other common side effects usually last from 12 to 24 hours.
Rare adverse effects may include:
- Strong headaches;
- Weakness, feeling that you may faint;
- Seizures, convulsions;
- Irregular heartbeat.
If you have any of symptoms mentioned above, immediately seek for medical attention. Such symptoms manifest low blood pressure and can be very dangerous. If you feel that your blood pressure is low, try drinking strong coffee and contacting your medical care provider.
Extremely rare side effects may include:
- Priapism – a rare medical condition when blood does not leave cavernous penile tissues leading to an unusually long-lasting erection. If the erection lasts for more than 3 hours, immediately seek for medical attention to avoid further damage to your penis.
- Sudden loss of hearing or sight. These side effects were discovered only after the drug was released in 1998. They happen on extremely rare occasions and obviously require you to immediately seek for medical attention. Problems with hearing and sight are temporary, but should be addressed by specialists.
When Not to Take Gold Viagra?
Just as any other ED treatment drug, this medication has its own limitations.
You should not try using this drug if you have any of the following medical conditions:
- You are rehabilitating from stroke/heart attack;
- A history of strokes/heart attacks;
- Problems with heart, kidney or liver;
- Inconsistent blood pressure (low or high);
- Problems with blood (leukemia and other blood diseases);
- Stomach ulcer.
Note that the drug contains a variety of natural ingredients like herbs and extracts as well as amino acids. Make sure that you don’t have allergy. If you have any allergic reaction like rash, high temperature, shortness of breath, and other similar allergy symptoms, immediately stop taking the drug and contact your doctor. If you have strong allergy manifestations, seek for medical attention.
Taking Generic Viagra Gold with Other Drugs
Generic Viagra Gold contains a combination of natural supplements like Licorice, Astragalus, and Chinese Wolfberry as well as a hefty dosage of Sildenafil. Natural ingredients of the drug do not have any known conflicts with other drugs. Note that some ingredients also act as vasodilators which should be accounted for when adjusting the dose for taking alpha-blockers (usually, ¼ of your normal concentration of sildenafil when using together with alpha-blockers).
- You should avoid combining Viagra Gold with the following drugs:
- Specific antibiotics like erythromycin and clarithromycin. There are other antibiotics that you should not take together with PDE5 inhibitors, consult with your doctor to learn more.
- Various types of antifungal medications like ketoconazole and itraconazole. Do not use them together.
- Many antiviral drugs and immunostimulants such as HIV/AIDS treatment pills like Atazanavir or Ritonavir. There are other antiviral drugs that you should avoid when taking PDE5 inhibitors.
- Nitrates and nitrites. Drugs that are used to treat angina, high blood pressure, and improve your libido (so-called poppers). A combination of sildenafil and nitrites may lead to a life threateningly low level of blood pressure.
Important Information
Do not take Gold Viagra together with alcohol. Alcohol acts as a mild vasodilator and can significantly lower your blood pressure in high quantities. Practically, many men don’t mind taking a shot of whiskey or a glass of wine to relax before sexual activities, but drinking too much is not recommended.
While Gold Viagra contains herbs that are often used to treat BPH and/or UTIs, you should not use this drug as a recreational medication or a regular food supplement. Remember that there is a significant dosage of sildenafil inside each pill.
Note that this drug has not been tested for pregnant women and children. Keep it away from children and do not use it in pregnant and/or breastfeeding women.
Why Should You Use Gold Viagra?
This drug is a good combination of clinically tested synthetic PDE5 inhibitor that has proved itself as the best possible solution for physiologically caused erectile dysfunction. Sildenafil is a great compound that has been helping men for more than two decades. This is a highly reliable mean of treating any type of physiological erectile dysfunctions.
In addition to sildenafil, the drug contains a mix of herbs and supplements that help to bring you stamina, positively affect your prostate, and improve sexual drive. This is a good solution for men who feel that their libido has declined.
By affecting you on both psychological and physiological levels, this drug helps to overcome impotence and bring back your self-esteem. If you want to elevate your sexual life to the next level, make sure to try out Gold Viagra.