Female Cialis: Women Will See Its True Value

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- Operation Method of Female Stimulants
- Fast-Acting Female Pills
- Female Cialis’s Dossier
- Can I Take Female Cialis
- Dosage and Administration
- Female Cialis Runs like Clockwork
- Advantages of Female Cialis
- Female Cialis: Reviews of Patients and Doctors
- Instruction to Use
- Female Cialis Contraindications
- Possible Side-Effects
- Where to Buy Female Cialis?
The basis of harmonious sexual relations of partners includes passion, vivid sexual relations, physical and psychological attraction of partners to each other. There is quite a lot of information about the ED drugs for men, but few people know that there are special remedies for women that are able to please not only ladies, but their partners. Sexologists say that achievement of maximum pleasure in sex is only possible if both partners are excited. This means that women should experience no less sexual arousal than men, because it makes it possible to prepare sexual organs for pleasant and comfortable sex. However, unfortunately, most women are pretty indifferent to intimacy. And, this applies to young girls as well.
The reasons for reducing sexual desire in women are abundant:
- physical overwork;
- daily problems;
- nervous tension, stressful situations;
- poor nutrition;
- presence of certain diseases;
- hormonal disorders;
- problems with the partner;
- psychological problems: fear of intimacy, inferiority complexes.
Lack of sexual desire can lead to uncomfortable and even painful sensations during coitus resulting in failure of both partners. Female stimulants were created to boost sex drive in a woman and to increase her sensitivity, so that intimate relationships between partners became more vivid and passionate. As of today, specialized remedies for female libido boost can be acquired at almost every pharmacy.
Operation Method of Female Stimulants
Depending on application method, sexual medicinal products for women are:
- preparations for external use;
- remedies for oral administration;
The principle of the sexual stimulants is mainly aimed at improving the blood flow in genitals and increasing sexual desire and sensitivity. Also, the work of Bartholin’s glands is activated due to which the vagina is moistened.
There are some effect features of the drugs depending on the way they are used:
- Preparations for external local application are used directly on genitals and contribute to the release of natural lubrication. They stimulate a better contraction of vaginal muscles. Due to this process, sensitivity of vagina increases, and brightness of orgasm enhances. These drugs include gels and oils; their effect occurs almost immediately.
- Remedies for internal use take a relaxing effect and increase the content of estrogens due to which a woman becomes more relaxed, liberated, and able to distract herself from needless thoughts and current problems. By means of blood circulation acceleration, there is an increase in blood flow to genital organs. These factors boost sensitivity to caresses; pleasant sensations during sexual intercourse significantly enhance. The drugs for internal use include tablets, drops, tonics, jellies and even chewing pills. In order to make a tablet work, it must be first dissolved to get the desired result. Medications in liquid form start to act much faster.
Female stimulants are used in the following cases:
- to increase sexual desire;
- to improve the quality of sexual life;
- recommended to use for hormonal and climacteric disorders to get rid of sexual dysfunction.
Specialists say that stimulants make all intimate relationships full, help to get rid of certain diseases of reproductive system and prevent from development of the new ones. Generally, medications boosting female libido are well tolerated by organism.
However, such drugs are undesirable during pregnancy and for people with heart failure or who have suffered apoplectic or heart attack. In such cases, it is better to get a preliminary consultation by a specialist. In order to find the best remedy for women, it is essential to determine the main requirements of the product: its composition, cost, duration and intensity of exposure. After all, some remedies are slow-acting; others take impact almost immediately after use. Synthetic drugs, for example, begin to act almost instantaneously, but have many side-effects and contraindications. Preparations developed on a natural basis, are slower, but in fact have no adverse effects.
Fast-Acting Female Pills
Female solutions for libido normalization are characterized by some features. The hormonal background of women and men has cardinal differences. Tablets designed for men stimulate blood flow to genitals, whereas the action of such pills as female Cialis is aimed not only at improving blood circulation in pelvic organs, but also at increasing sensitivity to foreplay. Due to these effects, a woman experiences incredible sensations, orgasms become brighter. The only condition for the effective operation of female stimulants is admission of relationship with a partner. The active substance of such drugs may be sildenafil, tadalafil or vardenafil that improve blood circulation, eliminate the effects of stress, and provoke moisturizing of vagina. The agents are indicative for frigidity, decreased sexual arousal, during menopause, women who underwent uteroctomy. Generally, a pill is taken half an hour prior to sexual activity. In average, the action of the drug lasts approximately 6 hours. Contraindications to use are cardiac issues and diseases of nervous system. It is strictly forbidden to take stimulants in combination with alcohol. During menstrual period, taking the drug is not recommended not to increase bleeding. Side-effects are a nausea and headache.
Female Cialis’s Dossier
Female Cialis is a drug designed specifically for women with due regard to their personal characteristics of reproductive system. Female Cialis is a modern stimulant with the help of which a woman can return passion towards her sexual partner. Due to regular reception of such a remedy, a lady is able to get rid of sexual disorders, for instance, of low libido or absolute frigidity without expensive consultations by specialists. Female Cialis (the trade name Femalefil is manufactured in India) is a generic drug of branded Cialis recommended for women who want to improve their sexual desire. The drug is used to restore natural sexual function in women. The active ingredient of female Cialis is tadalafil. It is a phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitor which is designed for sexual dysfunction treatment. The inhibitor blocks PDE5 and causes relaxation of smooth muscle cells and blood vessels. Due to this effect, blood flow to genital organs increases. Inhibition of PDE5 action allows a woman suffering from sexual dysfunction to have a normal intimate experience.
Female Cialis was developed by scientists specifically to ensure that a woman could get a full pleasure from sexual intercourse. Moreover, the drug can be used as a prophylaxis by patients during the menopause, as well as after uterectomy (the drug helps to avoid aggravation of health condition due to hormonal balance impairment in body). Female Cialis is available in the form of tablets with different dosages of tadalafil (10, 20 and 30 mg). Tadalafil is good for enhancement of blood circulation in organism, including pelvic organs, immediately after its absorption. This process results in the allocation of a sufficient amount of vaginal lubrication for a comfortable sexual intercourse and increase of sexual desire several-fold. Besides, tadalafil affects female erogenous zones and increases sensitivity, which makes sexual intercourse more intense, and orgasm more vivid.
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Can I Take Female Cialis?
Yes, it is possible after a woman consults a doctor-sexologist and hands over hormones test. With the decrease in estrogen associated with aging and menopause, women experience some changes in sexual function. These alterations include decrease in the production of vaginal lubrication and lack of sexual arousal. Besides, medical research studies show that a low level of male hormone, testosterone, also helps reduce sexual arousal, libido, and orgasm. In this article, we shall be studying the benefits of hormones and medications, such as Cialis for the treatment of sexual issues in women. Women cannot self-medicate with male drugs to improve their sexual function (Viagra, Levitra, Dapoxetine, etc.). This can lead to serious health problems.
Dosage and Administration of Female Cialis
Medicinal generic products (get full information about generics: mycanadianpharmacyrx.com/generic-drugs) are designed specifically for increase of female libido. According to medical experts, Cialis for women is one of the most effective means treating absence of sexual arousal. In modern world, not only men are exposed to constant stresses that negatively affect sexual desire. Women often have problems of intimate nature; and for such cases, taking medication is especially recommended.
Application of female Cialis guarantees the improvement in sexual life of a patient. The original drug of Indian producer is a remedy affecting women’s sexual desire and quality of intimacy. Female Cialis helps to increase pleasure and helps a woman to reach orgasm faster. According to the instruction, this generic is intended for the treatment of sexual dysfunction that is connected with menopause or impaired functioning of female genitals. Do not start taking Cialis for women without preliminary doctor’s consultation, since the remedy has a number of contraindications and side-effects.
The production of female Cialis for libido increase is connected with the medical enterprise, Sunrise Remedies, located in India (view website). The drug is known throughout the world as Cialis, but it is often mistakenly called Cialis 20 because of the original brand name Tadafem-20. Female Cialis is available in the form of tablets coated in a pink film cover. A cardboard package contains one or two blisters depending on the amount of active substance. Each blister includes fourteen tablets.
The mechanism female Cialis action occurs due to the presence of the substance, tadalafil, which is an inhibitor of a special enzyme, phosphodiesterase 5 type (PDE5). This ingredient is often used for development of drugs designed for treatment of sexual dysfunction. 1 tablet contains 5 mg of tadalafil. The therapeutic activity of the tablets is maintained with the help of additional components of the formula, such as: lactose monohydrate; hyprolose; extra-thin hyprolose; sodium lauryl sulfate; microcrystalline cellulose; croscarmellose sodium; magnesium stearate.
Tadalafil for women is perfect active substance. According to scientific studies, the action of this selective inhibitor is aimed at enhancing erectile function in men. Nevertheless, a positive effect of the drug on a female body was observed. Application of Cialis causes the expansion of blood vessels, which stimulates blood flow to genital organs. Tadalafil contributes to the development of bigger amount of lubrication and the enhancement of pleasant sensations during sexual intercourse. The use of the drug helps women to relax in bed, but only a doctor can prescribe a dose of tadalafil.
The instructions to use read that maximum daily amount of active substance consumed should not exceed 20 mg. Cialis starts its action 15 minutes after the intake; the duration pills’ action is 36 hours. The drug is designed to achieve a higher level of sensitivity during sexual intercourse, but it is not able to directly affect sexual drive. Within the therapy course, side-effects may occur due to regular use of the drug. Indications for female Cialis use state that the drug is for sexually mature women who suffer from sexual dysfunction or lack of sexual arousal. The patient’s age must be at least eighteen years old at the time of treatment. The stimulator is used to neutralize many problems of intimate nature which can have both physical and psychological reasons.
Those who have sex more than 2 times per week are recommended to take a daily dose of 10 mg of tadalafil. The maximum dosage of active substance per day is 20 mg. Then the dosage can be reduced to 5 or 2.5 mg based on the individual characteristics of organism. A person needs to take Cialis pills at one and the same time, regardless of meals. Exceeding the specified amount of tadalafil in the instructions can lead to development of side-effects. For low sexual activity, it is necessary to use 20 mg of the remedy right before sexual intercourse. For people suffering from prostatic hyperplasia, there are separate rules: they should take 5 mg of active substance daily. Patients with mild to moderate renal failure do not require an individual dosage.
Doctors recommend taking the drug in the following cases: menopause; weakening of the body after long-term treatment with pharmacological agents; disturbance of sensitivity of external genital organs; reduced production of natural lubrication; decreased sexual desire to partner; discharge or unpleasant odor from vagina; fear of intimacy; slow blood flow in pelvis. Administration of Cialis by both men and women causes similar reactions. The mechanism of action of tablets occurs due to chemical processes that occur under the influence of the active substance, tadalafil.
Female Cialis Runs like Clockwork
The drug is available in two versions: one is for the representatives of stronger sex, and another is for ladies. These variants have small differences in the composition, and the functional component in them is the same.
The basic factors underlying the effectiveness of Cialis are three chemical reactions:
- inhibition of phosphodiesterase 5;
- strengthening the work of Bartholin’s glands;
- increase in the level of hormones.
Phosphodiesterases play an important role in the development of sexual functions. These enzymes metabolize cyclic guanosine monophosphate, which reduces the risk of problems in the intimate sphere. There are 11 isoforms of phosphodiesterases; PDE5 is responsible for a larger scope of activity. The substance has a significant effect on erection by detecting the enzyme among the smooth muscle cells of the vessels.
Phosphodiesterase 5-type inhibitor has already been one of the most important components of the treatment of erectile dysfunction for several years. Due to the effect of PDE5 on patients, there is a relaxation of smooth muscles and blood flow to pelvic organs. In women, sensitivity increases in the area of clitoris, vagina and labia which allows achieving orgasm faster. With a properly selected dose, Cialis enhances the work of Bartholin’s glands, which contribute to the production of lubricant. Tablets affect the production of testosterone and other sex hormones responsible for the process of sexual arousal.
Female body has some significant differences from the male one, so the influence of generics on the hormonal background in both cases will not be identical. For men, drugs of this type cause blood flow to organs of small pelvis, increase the vessels’ tonus and promote the onset of erection. Among the representatives of the fair sex, the substance enhances pleasant sensations in the genital area, resulting in stronger orgasms.
In comparison with other generics for women, female Cialis has several advantages:
- it promotes liberation and relaxation;
- the drug increases the chances of orgasm;
- it eliminates disappointment with sexual life;
- the medications increases sensitivity to stimulation of genitals.
It should be noted that with all the virtues of female Cialis, it is not suitable for all women. Many patients complained of severe headaches during the tablets’ administration; others did not experience the expected effect. Based on the above-mentioned facts, it is recommended to take generics only on doctor’s prescription. In case of unsuccessful experience, a person should not try to pick up an analogue without preliminary instructions by a specialist.
- It is important to remember that if the problems in bed are caused by psychological reasons, even the most effective preparations will be useless. To avoid an overdose, a person should take female Cialis as per the instruction. The pill’s administration is recommended 15 minutes prior to expected sexual intercourse. In most cases, the drug begins to work half an hour after application, but sometimes the effect comes earlier. Pharmacological effects of tadalafil can be slowed down by eating or drinking, but the end result will remain the same. The duration of the generic operation is 36 hours, during which a woman can experience multiple orgasms. When the dosage is observed, the drug is absolutely safe for health and is not addictive. The effect of female Cialis on organism becomes noticeable only after external stimulation; otherwise the effect will not occur.
Advantages of Female Cialis
The main benefits of female Cialis application are as follows:
- Promotion of liberation and relaxation;
- Increase of the chances to reach orgasm;
- Elimination of disappointment with sexual life;
- Increase of woman’s sensitivity and natural stimulation of the genitals.
The main indication to the use of the drug is aggravation or total absence of sexual desire. However, in admissible dosages, female Cialis may be taken for preventive purposes. The medicine is to be taken no more than once a day perorally, the optimal dosage is 20 mg (if necessary, the concentration of the active substance may be reduced, for instance, if a woman has health problems or takes this preparation for the first time). The tablet begins its function in 45 minutes, so it is recommended to take it prior to planned sexual activity. The duration of Cialis action in women varies from 12 hours to 36 hours, depending on individual characteristics of the organism and concomitant factors. It should be noted that female Cialis is not recommended to be taken along with alcoholic beverages. The tablets are drunk with pure water. In case a woman uses a small amount of alcohol, she needs to wait a couple of hours between before taking the drug. The effectiveness of the drug is not affected by fatty food intake.
Female Cialis: Reviews of Patients and Doctors
Some women on the forums and websites designed for the feedback on female Cialis claim that the remedy is indeed helpful. Perhaps this is due to improved blood flow to patients’ genitals with impaired blood circulation. However, sexual reaction of ladies is much more difficult than the one of men. A woman is very exposed to emotions, as well as many chemical and hormonal reactions. Therefore, prescription of female Cialis or its analogues, such as female Viagra or Levitra, etc. can only be made by a gynecologist or a sexologist, after studying the results of hormones level analysis of a patient.
The question of whether Cialis can help women with sexual problems and arousal remains controversial. At present, there is no available information and well-controlled medical research study to determine whether Cialis can help women with low libido or not. Officially, the manufacturer does not claim that Cialis can help women to achieve sexual excitement the same way it helps men. The manufacturer emphasizes that this drug does not help to increase sexual desire. Cialis works by means of prevention from action of phosphodiesterase type-5, which is responsible for regulation of erection. Due to the action of tadalafil on body, the cavernous bodies of penile erectile tissues are filled with blood and sexual organ is preserves its erected state for a long time. In fact, this mechanism of action is extremely effective for male physiology. But it is not known exactly whether the same enzyme plays the same role for female arousal or not.
It is noteworthy that it was proven during medical trial that sildenafil (active substance of Viagra), a drug belonging to the same class as tadalafil, could probably help women achieve better sexual arousal. However, the study involved only a small number of women (51 women aged 22 to 38 years). They all had normal libido, but poor sexual satisfaction. The majority of other research studies claim that sildenafil is not an effective remedy for elimination of female sexual dysfunction.
Instruction to Use
Female Cialis instruction is the most important thing which is worth reading in order to avoid overdose.
- Maximum recommended daily dose is 20 mg, the advised one is 10 mg, but it can be reduced to 5 mg, depending on the individual reaction of the body.
- The drug should be taken once a day, 15 minutes before sexual intimacy.
- For some women, the remedy’s onset time is 16 minutes after administration, but for most women the onset time is half an hour. With regard to the duration of female Cialis, the instruction reads that its action generally lasts 36 hours after the drug intake.
Female Cialis Contraindications
Female Cialis is a safe drug that has been subjected to numerous studies before being released for sale.
However, there are limitations in which it is better to refrain from taking this medication:
- Allergic reactions to the main or auxiliary agents of medication.
- Cardiac decompensation and other severe heart pathologies (such as recent stroke). It is advisable to pass electrocardiography and consult a cardiologist before female Cialis application. 3. Peptic ulcer at exacerbation stage (during this period, any medication can provoke internal bleeding).
- Malignant neoplasms.
- Simultaneous administration of neuroleptics and psychotropic substances (before use, a woman must consult a specialist).
- Age under 18 years.
- Pregnancy and lactation.
- Simultaneous reception of other drugs for sexual arousal with a similar effect, especially on synthetic basis.
- Combination with alcoholic drinks.
- Administration of nitrates-based or nitrogen oxide-based medications.
- Oncological diseases of hemopoietic system, strong blood loss.
Female Cialis has a fairly wide range of contraindications; therefore, before using this medication, especially if you have any health problems, consultation by a specialist is obligatory.
Possible Side-Effects
In rare cases, most often due to incorrectly selected dosage or already existing contraindications, side-effects may occur.
There are the following side-effects that are observed after female Cialis application:
- indigestion;
- headaches and dizziness;
- backache;
- discomfort in stomach;
- belching;
- running nose and nasal congestion;
- skin redness (due to activation of blood circulation);
- pain in muscles;
- nausea;
- drowsiness or insomnia.
Side-effects show the successful inhibition of PDE5 and disappear within a couple of hours. Nevertheless, muscular pains and backache generally occur after 12-24 hours of remedy’s administration and pass away within the course of two days. In case these conditions do not stop and occur again with each swollen pill, female Cialis application must be refused. If there is an increased heart rate, blood pressure changes, a severe allergic reaction accompanied by swelling, it is important to visit a doctor as soon as possible.
All in all, there is a possibility of some side effects during the treatment with female Cialis. In order to avoid undesirable consequences, it is essential to test the product before use. The body reaction to the drug will be visible after taking one tablet. Side-effects can cause various negative conditions, the most common of which are: headache; myalgia; dyspepsia; nasal congestion; backache; swelling of eyelids; facial blushing; dizziness; pain in eyes; hyperemia.
The complex treatment with some substances is capable to raise activity of tadalafil. These agents include protease inhibitors such as itraconazole, ritonavir, erythromycin, or saquinavir. The pharmacological properties of the generic are affected by antacid, since it reduces the rate of drug’s absorption. Patients taking nitrates are prohibited to use this kind of tablets because of the possible increase of hypotensive effect.
There are other contraindications to taking the drug that must be studied before the treatment:
- age under 18 years.
- simultaneous administration of tadalafil with organic nitrates.
- pregnancy and lactation.
- hypersensitivity to the constituents of the tablets.
- severe renal failure, therapy with this drug is only possible in case of extreme need.
The diseases of moderate or mild severity, side-effects’ occurrence is much less common in. The same is about the patients with severe hepatic failure, because the reaction of the body to the generic in this case is difficult to predict. It is possible to purchase female Cialis at a regular pharmacy by presenting a prescription from a doctor. Compared with other similar drugs, the price of this product is high. The product can be purchased a little cheaper at online pharmacies, but you need to consider the cost of delivery. Tablets are sold not only in packages, but also individually, which is very convenient for carrying out a test for the reaction of the body.
Where to Buy Female Cialis Online?
To procure a stimulant for increasing sexual desire and getting guaranteed orgasm, a person may buy credible medications at an online pharmacy at affordable cost. The exact price for female Cialis depends on the number of tablets in the package, as well as on the dosage of the drug. Registration of female Cialis order is carried out directly on the website of a particular pharmacy. Female Cialis means effective modern tablets that will help a woman to transform coitus from routine exercises into a real pleasure, pleasant to both partners.
Advantages of the stimulant include the following properties:
- A safe, thoroughly tested composition;
- Fast and continuous action (within 24 hours);
- The ability to increase sexual desire several-fold even during menopause and after uterectomy; • Beneficial price;
- Rare occurrence of side-effects;
- The possibility to administer with fatty food;
- Simplicity of ordering at online pharmacy.