Brand vs. Generic Viagra

Is Generic Viagra Safe?
Basically, this is the real question behind every query of brand-vs-generic-Viagra type. How safe is it to trust one’s health to something that is not signed by a resonant name? The shortcut answer to this one is: it is about as safe as brand Viagra. Generic Viagra has the same ingredient list, the same effects, the same application rules, the same adverse events (if any) and the same manufacture form, so why would it have a different level of safety? This is to make a long story short. But it will take a slightly longer while to explain how this entire dilemma works. Why don’t we cut through all of the red tape and just speculate on the subject of what is a brand, actually.
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What is Brand Viagra?
In business science, brand is a complex notion that brings together several levels of awareness of a certain company or its produce. The term is very commonly associated with (and for that matter, sometimes used interchangeably) with such attributes of copyright as graphical design, slogan, and name, that can belong to no other company or product. Those are used to bring apart a unique product from a class of similar items, or a company from the pool of its competitors. Over time, those attributes come to denote level of credibility and reputability of the company and its products and / or services. And it is this resonance with consumers that really matters. We might or might not have used such products or services in the past, but when we come across them we subconsciously perceive them to be of quality that is higher than that offered by its peers, simply because ‘it’s better the devil you know’.
Trust in brands has a lot of bias to it. While it is okay to believe that if a company has been consistently delivering reliable quality, it will do so in future (or for other products in its range), it should not prevent you from seeing other options. Oftentimes, strategies employed by companies during their product positioning activities seek to protect their spot in the sun, not customer’s interests. The more focused your gaze is on something that marketing technicians want it to be fixed on, the fewer chances are that you will find a worthy competitor.
When we talk about brand drugs, we usually mean that the drug is produce by the same manufacturer that developed the molecule formula – though some recursions may occur now and then, those being when the original developer sells the production rights to some other pharmaceutical with a well-established name. The naming rights, and this fact deserves a special attention, may or may not be sold together with manufacturing rights. In this case, the molecule receives a new brand name. Which of the two – or more – brand drugs is brandier then?
After expiration of its original patent, rights for production of any drug can be passed on to any other company. Some drugs can be found on production list of practically every big pharmaceutical company, those are meds that typically inhabit medicine chest in every household. Nobody cares to remember the name of the developing company or the first brand name the drug received way back when. Shoppers choose manufacturers based on personal preferences, price or quite randomly.
Speaking of the price, it is almost always much higher for generic drugs. It takes the original developer many years to retrieve money invested in researching and testing of their invention. And even after the patent is over, pharmaceutical companies continue to develop new drugs, which also requires massive funding. Therefore, even if the price for a brand drug ever drops, it is by very insignificant percentage.
What is Generic Drug?
Generic Viagra Disambiguation
This somewhat extended preamble finally brings us to the question of what makes generic Viagra similar to its brand counterpart and in what way it is different. The biggest factor that sets generic Viagra apart from its brand equivalent is the price: its cost is ten times less. Pretty impressive, we should think. Secondly, generic Viagra looks differently in accordance with the corresponding copyright laws. And this is about it when it comes to defining factors setting the two versions of the same drug apart.
The above goes to show that, just like any other generically produced drug out there, Viagra completely falls into the pattern of being a stage in the life circle of generic substance called sildenafil. As of recently, this highly efficient lifestyle pill has become available for a much more reasonable price. Customers now may choose a sildenafil forms according to their budget and individual requirements or preferences. Is it not what democracy is all about?
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